Sometimes we play ...
Everyone and everything has a different rhythm. Conditions become chaotic when you are not in a position to manage the harmonics of your core energy to create. Gregge Tiffen (The Journey Continues: Time Travels – July, 2010)
As I look back on a fun, whirlwind week with visiting friends and ahead to the many guests scheduled to stay here at the Dragonfly House over the next several weeks, I have a keen awareness of just how different our individual rhythms are. Each of us marches to the beat of our own drummer. Or, we give our power to others (partners, employers, children, etc.) to set our pace. We might even use goals or set deadlines that are contrary to our natural rhythm in an effort to be ‘productive’.
Learning my rhythm continues to be a big part of my life experiment and experience. Although the learning never stops, I’d say that I do a pretty good job of honoring my natural rhythm as I understand it. I think that my greatest learning is doing so with grace (or at least a modicum thereof).
None of us live in isolation. Our lives require coordination with others and with their unique rhythms and commitments. Perhaps it’s no wonder that there is so much chaos and discordance in our world. It makes me wonder:
What if one of the keys to personal (and, therefore, planetary) peace is to learn to maintain our rhythm while allowing others with whom we live, work, and play to do the same?
The simplicity of this idea draws me inward. Looking back for just a moment, I notice how testy and demanding I become when I’m feel that staying in my rhythm is threatened. I have little room for grace.
A deep breath and a spark of curiosity open the door for wondering how I might engage with others by putting rhythm on the table as a part of the conversation. It seems to me that doing so would create an environment that is much friendlier, one where grace might show up naturally with ease. I think it will take some experimentation and lots of practice to master maintaining my rhythm with grace.
And, the resulting personal peace will be well worth the effort.
After thousands of years of war, perhaps learning to step into our own rhythm with grace may contribute one small step toward creating not just a peaceful personal life, but peace on the planet as well.
Other times we rest.