Red Rocks Amphitheater - Morrison, Colorado
When we start doing things that are repetitive we begin to lose any sense of the experience. We lose any issue of the creative element. Gregge Tiffen
This week brought both changes of pace and scenery as dear friends arrived for a visit early in the week. It’s great fun to share my home and the quiet beauty that I write about most every week. I’ve been especially looking forward to sharing my slower pace of life and leisurely exploring the area with them. No set schedule. A few days of relaxed exploration. But then …
The Universe, always presenting opportunity for making choices, presented just that in the first hour of my friends’ arrival, when I answered a call from a local friend. “I know you have company coming, but I have tickets to the Neil Young concert at Red Rocks (near Denver, four hours away). You probably can’t leave your friends, but I wanted to call you and ask. Oh, and let you know that I won’t be able to take care of Luke as planned on Wednesday.”
I took a breath. Said, “no problem re Luke. Hmm … I wonder if we could get two more tickets … of course I need to see if my friends are interested … let me ask.” I asked. “Neil Young!? Red Rocks? Love him. Always wanted to go there!! Let’s do it!”
And so a new plan began and it brought forth a very different energy than I’d expected. A bit of rushing about to arrange for Luke’s care, take care of business, and prepare to be out of town for a couple days.
I fell into the excitement and the push. At the same time, I noticed that I felt out of my rhythm. I sensed it was a good learning opportunity when the energy felt a bit uncomfortable. Was ‘going with this flow’ to come at a high price? What do I need to take care of myself while engaging in this different pace?
Rest was the first thought. Early to bed on the night before travelling. Deep breaths and consciously letting go of needing for the trip to unfold in any particular way – not easy for my inner ‘control-freak’ [those of you who know me are smiling, if not laughing out loud].
As I wrote the above, we were on the road enroute to Denver. Rain was pouring from the sky and Red Rocks is an outdoor venue. We acknowledged that it could be a soggy (or worse) evening. But whatever the weather, the fun of stepping out into a different energy field with friends can’t be washed away.
It was raining gently as we began our trek from the parking lot to the amphitheater, but by the time we climbed the stairs into the venue (and our row 17 center seats!) it slowed to a drizzle. And, by the time Neil Young took the stage, the rain had stopped.
I experienced a fun night in a beautiful location and received the gift of remembering that a step outside my quiet life awakens me to experience life in a different lane. Not the lane I choose to live in day to day, but one that’s fun to ease into from time to time.
An amazing show ... the 'Rebel Content' Show. I relate.