Morning Crescent Moon - Receptivity Peeks Through The Trees
Just as instinct guides the animal, so would intuition guide man, if he would allow it to do so. (Ernest Holmes - The Science of Mind)
To withhold ourselves from receiving Universal energy as a result of negative thinking and negative action, or to resist giving thanks from our point of awareness is to work against the flow of the Universal energy. (Gregge Tiffen – The Power of Giving Thanks – November, 2007)
Waking this Thursday, ‘Blog Day’, with no idea re this week’s topic, I felt a gentle nudge to start from a different place. Rather than opening one of Gregge’s booklets, I turned to today’s ‘Daily Guide’ (this month written by Rev. Dr. Christian Sorensen) in my November Science of Mind magazine. When I read Holmes’ quote, the focus was clear: receptivity. That led me quickly to Gregge’s quote, a reminder to be receptive to the ever present flow of Universal energy.
I chuckled as I read Sorensen’s message, where he equates training the mind to be quiet and receptive with training a puppy to ‘stay’. “Intuition,” he says “comes of a welcoming mind where it will impress itself upon the receptive medium.”
Being that receptive medium or keeping our welcome mat out requires consistent intention, attention and p r a c t i c e. We have a lot of help in doing so.
Think of nature and her receptivity: plants grow toward light and animals instinctively know where to find food. Another chuckle as I thought of the bear that made a mess of my nicely stacked wood this week. He was simply following his natural instinct toward food, which just happened to be under my firewood stacks.
Bear Instinct
We’ve all experienced the joys of following our intuition. Seven years ago this month, I woke with a strong sense that I was to adopt a dog ‘this week’. I ended up being at the shelter at just the right time to meet Cool Hand Luke and his foster mom who needed to find a home for him quickly. Two weeks and a long hike in the mountains later ‘Luke’ came home to Crestone. These seven years have been a joy having him as my teacher and companion. Yes, I might have adopted another ‘good’ dog. But I would not have had the experiences that Cool Hand Luke Skywalker continues to offer daily.
I’ve learned from those joys as well as from the not always joyous times when I wasn’t receptive, choosing to ignore a clear sense to choose ‘A’ over ‘B’. We can all cite those examples as well.
I’m grateful for both. They serve as reminders, reinforcement if you will, of the good that comes when we listen from within to the whispers (that sometimes must grow louder to get our attention) of guidance from Source.
We are receptive beings. Receiving the flow of Universal energy is a blessing of the highest order. It isn’t ‘more blessed to give than to receive’ as we’ve been told. Receiving and giving have equal parts in the flow of life. What we receive opens the door to giving thanks as well as to giving ourselves as expressions of that energy flow.
In the week ahead I invite you to join me in keeping the welcome mat out for all the Universe has to offer. Notice what comes. Observe your response. And, walk through your world ever grateful for its bounty.
Hurry Up Mom ... Let's Go Eat Breakfast!