It's Beginning to Look (&Feel) a Lot Like Winter!
What I would exhort you to, what I would give as a gift to you, what I would lay down a soul for, would be for your awareness to recognize that this is a personal event for your life. It is the time that has been set up on this planet for you and Heaven to be with each other without interference.
May the reindeers pull your sleigh filled with new awareness across the rooftops and into the fertile green valleys of a truly new season. Gregge Tiffen (Winter Solstice: Giving To Yourself)
Each year I seem to discover that my sense of the potential for reNEWal in this season deepens. I savor this time when ‘all of heaven and all of earth coordinate’ for my benefit as a very personal ‘me to me’, ‘me to Thee’ and ‘Thee to me’ experience.
This season, the events leading up to Solstice brought me the gift of looking at my attitudes, up close and personal. Some serve me. Others do not. The later will not be invited to the new me, the one that emerges from the release at Solstice. They are not who I am and do not serve how I want to participate in the world.
I’ve called on last week’s post, Prelude to Solstice, several times this week as I walked through the local controversy, creating responses and proposing a way forward. ‘Take Heaven.’ ‘Take Peace.’ ‘Look.’ Yesterday a friend reminded me to include grace. In a flash, I realized that she had been working overtime. I know that ‘the day will break and the shadows flee away.’ Grace brings that knowing.
Early Morning Coziness
I feel good about how I’m addressing the situation (and great about the team I work with). I’m not so pleased with the energy that’s been required and with those moments when I simply felt overwhelmed. Luke and the beauty of nature brought me back to balance.
I’m comfortable not knowing the outcome and how the public will respond. I totally trust its perfection – whether it’s an outcome I prefer or not.
As I put this experience, as well as business (and busy-ness too!) aside, I invite (really I implore) you to embrace the personal, individual nature of this season. Take some time just for you. Take homage at heaven and earth coming together. Feel the presence of nature.
And, let go. Release attitudes, be they good or bad. Release the people in your life, all of them – those that are meant to shall return. Release hopes, dreams, fears, goals, regrets. Let go of EVERYthing.
It is only the empty goblet that can receive the next sweet taste of the abundance that life will most surely bring.
My Goblet is Ready
I wish you boundless blessings in this sacred season and in all the days ahead!