Right Place. Right Time. Beauty IS the Morning!
Let me understand You as the Source of Abundance that allows me to remind myself to be patient with life. Nature does not produce the flower before the roots have taken hold. As I recognize that the place I am in is the right place at the right time, it will always be the right place at the right time. Gregge Tiffen (excerpt from a Letter to God in The Power of Giving Thanks, November, 2007)
Ah 'patience', the learning in life that so often we bemoan. Yet it is patience that puts us in 'the right place at the right time', doing so consistently, I believe, if we look honestly at life.
Of course this does not mean that we never encounter problems, breakdowns and situations that at the time they occur are upsetting and just seem wrong. We want them solved, fixed, eliminated and for things to return to 'normal' post-haste. Often we dive into finding a solution, without giving the situation its due. We don't consistently take time to ask: what is this about for me? What is the opportunity, the gift if you will, of this event? Heck, we may even beseech God to 'hurry up and take care of it'.
Over the last several weeks, I've found myself missing the physical presence of my canine companion, Cool Hand Luke Skywalker, who transitioned out of his earthly body in August. I miss seeing him on the trail when I walk. I miss feeding him, playing tug, and giving belly rubs.
An easy 'solution' of course is to adopt another canine. After all, there are plenty of dogs in need, waiting in shelters and elsewhere for a new, hopefully forever, home. I've started down that path a couple times since Luke's passing. Through a friend, I met a sweet dog whose human needed to find a new home for her. I wasn't ready. Then I visited the shelter where I first met Luke nine years ago. Nope. Not time.
I've found it challenging to acknowledge that I wasn't ready. After all, it's just a dog – NOT. It's a commitment, a partnership. That, and a number of other stories in my head pointed me to my impatience with myself (I should be ready!) and with life (The right new canine should have shown up by now.). Patient? I was not!
Gregge's Letter to God provided just the tonic I needed to remind me that right now, in this moment, without a canine breathing at my side, I am right where I need to be. There are roots that need a bit more growth before I'm ready to bloom again into the human I want to be for the next canine companion. And, there is Gregge's reminder that when that time comes, I'll be in the right place, at the right time to receive. If Luke taught me anything, for sure he taught me that!
So, this week I invite you to spend a little time quietly reflecting on any situation that has you flummoxed or feeling that you are out of step or out of place. Discover how that can't be true and how your position is just right for you in this moment. Now, what's your next move?
Did I mention ‘It’s a Beautiful Morning!’?