Grateful for the Blessed Moisture of the Season’s First Snow
The power of giving thanks gives life its vitality! The power of giving thanks comes through your awareness that you are always in a position to receive all the elements the Universe has to offer. Everything is available to you. Gregge Tiffen (The Power of Giving Thanks, November, 2007)
This week finds those of us here in the U.S. in the midst of Thanksgiving. While it is good to have a special day to give thanks, the irony of Thanksgiving’s origins in this country deserves a pause for thoughtful consideration. As you give thanks, I’ll leave that consideration to your heart and soul.
Despite the sadness I feel for the atrocities we force upon one another and on our dear planet, I’m grateful for this life and for the opportunities to learn and grow that are ever present. Despite the irony of the holiday’s origins, I celebrate. I’m grateful for my understanding that, despite history and the current chaos and cruelty worldwide, justice and light will prevail.
Several years back, sitting quietly by the fire on a cold morning, I began to write in my journal. The words that came surprised me and took me to an unexpected place: gratitude for being me. As I ease into Thanksgiving Day, I remember all that I’m grateful for and my words then inspire my prayer of thanks for 2019
I ‘m grateful for how I live my life, the choices I make, the insight and curiosity I experience, my love of quiet and of nature’s beauty. I’m grateful that I take reasonably good care of myself. I’m grateful that I take time to ease into the day and enjoy the morning quiet. I’m grateful for introspection and for how I see the world unfolding perfectly in this human experiment despite events that are horrific beyond my understanding.
I’m grateful for nine years with Cool Hand Luke Skywalker and for all that he teaches me about patience, forgiveness, rest, play, listening and so much more. Although he’s no longer curled up near-by in physical form, his ongoing presence reminds me that life is a continuum not a finite event.
I’m grateful for how I’ve faced the challenges in my life, even those where in hindsight I saw a different way for me to be. Each offered a gift and I did my best to accept it.
I’m grateful that I enjoy my own company as well as the company of others. Both are so very important, yet we humans so very often shun being alone for fear of being lonely, forgetting that in our aloneness we hear Your voice and feel Your presence.
Thank You for always being with me/in me. Thank YOU for allowing and guiding me to be me. I feel so close You, God, in these quiet moments and I am so very grateful.
When we give thanks for being who we are, we tap into the vitality of life.
Wherever this week finds you, may you feel a depth of gratitude that goes deeper and further than any you have felt in your past. May this special Thanksgiving prayer from Gregge Tiffen ( contribute to transporting you to that place.
Curious, Beautiful Bucks