Clouds Obscure the Beauty of the Peaks … What might be clouding beauty in your world today?

The psychology of the individual is reflected in the psychology of the nation. … Only a change in attitude of the individual can initiate a change in the psychology of the nation. Carl Jung (This Nonviolent Life: Daily Inspiration for Your Nonviolent Journey – February 11, 2020)

The Universe sees in you the harmonious co-operation as one of Its parts to the whole. … The Universe loves you enough to agree to your request to be here now. Gregge Tiffen (Fanned Fire and Forced Love Never Did Well – February, 2008)

There are times in life when I’m challenged to not loose heart, faith and to maintain perspective beyond whatever event I find myself experiencing or observing.  I’m guessing you too have experienced such times. I’m guessing as you look out at the world and bear witness to anger, greed, fear, and violence this may be one of those times.

In addition to what we observe in the world, events in our personal lives may throw us into doubt and fear. Events, both personal and global, are the stuff life is made of, ingredients of the learning opportunities we are gifted with on our journey.

Today, much is being said across all forms of media and around kitchen tables over cups of tea (or glasses of something stronger!) about this time in history. Many wring their hands and bemoan what they are witnessing. Others engage in various forms of activism. Some are victims. Others are perpetrators. Some feel outrage. Others are gleeful at the power they wield. Many are fearful of what’s to come in their personal lives and in the greater collective.

Jung’s quote reminded me of this as I found myself reacting to current events here in the United States. Our society, our country are reflections of us.

I think about this often when I observe events in the world beyond my quiet woods. I’m curious to observe my own thoughts which run the gamut from instinctive, angry reaction to a deep sense of peace that ‘this too shall pass’ (though I don’t believe this means that things will return to ‘normal’ or go back to some imagined ‘better time’). Life is after all an onward proposition.

I aim to quickly move through my reactions and look at events that perturb me from a higher perspective. I don’t want to contribute to the fear, anger and chaos that seem to reign in much of the media. We need quiet (and, yes, not so quiet) voices of understanding and peace.

As systems break down, we need to weave the fabric of new ones: systems that honor the truth that we are all one and that how each of us thinks, speaks and acts matters to the whole. Before we can weave, we must discover for ourselves threads of love and understanding, of connectedness. We must understand that we are separate parts of a whole that needs our highest and best – moment by moment, day by day. That is how change manifests: from inside each and every one of us to the highest and best expressions of ourselves in the world. This is our work first and foremost.

In a world and in times with demands and distractions from all directions, our work is not easy. It requires discipline, self-care (indeed our work is a form of self-care), commitment, and conviction. We are part of a greater whole that needs us to be our best selves. Our thoughts matter as much, perhaps more, than the words and deeds that follow.

It seems to me that this is important learning in and for these times. The school bus awaits. Will we climb aboard?

And after the clouds, clarity and beauty that was there all along.

