A frosty morning at the labyrinth.
Each moment holds the power of promise for you to exert your individuality, to expand in wisdom and to reflect only good. Universal intelligence is always working. Begin with a promise to yourself that you will co-create with it. Gregge Tiffen (The Significance of Beginning – January, 2007)
When things are chaotic in life, whether personally or in the bigger world beyond, I sometimes forget that while I do not control the event, I do control me. As 2016 continues to march along, I’m finding the need to use that knowledge front and center in my life.
I made a decision a few weeks back that isn’t turning out as I hoped it would. I say ‘hoped’ because the truth is that my gut told me otherwise and my intuition was to make a different decision. I didn’t listen. Ouch!
And with the ‘ouch’, hallelujah! The situation is providing rich territory to exercise and, hopefully, strengthen my tolerance muscle. I’m rediscovering just how important my home environment is to me and just how intolerant I am when I allow that be disrupted.
I’m challenged in this situation to ‘reflect only good’. Just what is ‘good’, I’ve wondered. I’ve found myself expressing my ‘cranky’ side, rather than feeling and expressing the kindness I need and want to express, the kindness that brings me peace and contributes to a higher vibration on the planet.
I’ve come face to face with just how ill equipped I am to consistently ‘exert my individuality’ in ways that are positive and contribute to creating the world I want to create. It’s easy to say “be the change you want to see in the world”. It’s not always easy to do what’s required to be that change.
That doing includes controlling my internal chatter. If I let it have its way, the ‘blah, blah, blah’ in my head does not support me either grace or tolerance. Au contraire, it fuels intolerance and crankiness.
Universal Intelligence is definitely at work, pointing the way to where I need to expand my capability. It does so in all of the events of our lives. Even those we might call ‘mundane’ are ripe with learning opportunity. That is just what makes the journey the fabulous ride that it is, and this perspective is key to controlling my world.
The breathtaking visual beauty of Universal Intelligence.