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Each moment holds the power of promise for you to exert your individuality, to expand in wisdom and to reflect only good. Universal intelligence is always working. Begin with a promise to yourself that you will co-create with it. Gregge Tiffen (The Significance of Beginning – January, 2007)

And so it begins – a new year and a new decade as the calendar of man marches forward. It seems like only yesterday that we were concerned about how our computer operating systems would handle the start of a new millennium. That threshold crossed without the disruption many feared, it seemed we raced through the 21st century’s first decade and found ourselves curious – some even fearful – of what the auspicious year 2012 would bring. Now, in what seems like a flash, the second decade of the century is complete and its third is upon us.

While in our human concept time has speeded up, mother nature on our beloved planet moves at her pace: slow and harmonious even in the dramatic events she uses to rebalance and maintain the order that is her nature. It is ours as well, if we would but claim it.

Nature makes no resolutions that will inevitably be broken. She sets no goals and makes no demands. She simply IS and she simply does what is in the seeds of her design to do. She is a model of co-creating with Universal intelligence 24/7, day in, day out.

We too are always co-creating with the Universe. I was reminded of this by Rev. Dr. Margaret Stortz who wrote in Science of Mind Magazine’s daily guide for this date “… there is nothing that we think, do or create that is separate from divine action.” As I’ve written before, EVERYthing that I think, say and do is magnified by the Universe.  Making choices based with this conscious awareness is what I believe Gregge has in mind when he suggests that we promise to co-create with the Universe.

I’ve come to make this promise as each day begins.  Before I throw off the warm, cozy covers and my feet hit the floor, I put my hand on my heart and speak quietly this prayer: “Thank you for this day that is in front of me. May my every thought, word and deed this day come from my heart and be for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned.”

In speaking the words aloud, I’m honoring that we live on a planet where sound initiates. I’m setting a clear intention for the context within which I aim to make the myriad of choices that the day will present. I’m declaring how I want to recognize and co-create with the Universal intelligence. It is my beginning again each day in the universal flow of energy, consciously directing the energy that flows to me through me in a positive manner.

Beginning this way supports me to “… reach down and pull out all of the wonder you have in that bag called ‘you’ and that you are using you to the fullest potential.” (Tiffen – The Significance of Beginning. ) It’s a promise to myself worthy of keeping as I navigate the opportunities that present themselves each day. What promise is your beginning each day?

An Icy Start to the Year

