
BEing and Being In Isles of Coherence

Metaphors for a Rocky, Prickly World

When a system is far from equilibrium small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to lift the entire system to a higher order. Ilya Prigogine – Chemist & Nobel Laureate

On an early walk this morning, rocks and cacti caught my attention. As systems show their dark sides and begin to crumble, the rocks and cacti seem to represent the chaos in our world. Times are rocky and we may find ourselves feeling prickly as we experience the prickliness of others. How far we are from equilibrium. Such is the chaos of creation, the old must fall to make space for the new.

A few paces down the path two blooms on a small, lone plant brought a smile. ‘Yes,’ the flower seemed to say, ‘and I’m here to bloom amidst it all!’

These metaphors walked with me as I continued along, and the phrase ‘isles of coherence’ joined us. I noticed their presence along with the inner peace of ease and comfort as I sauntered along.

Returning to the sacred land I’m blessed to steward as the sun’s first rays reached the woods out back, I realized that, like the little flower on the rocky path, this place is an isle of coherence for me. It is home, the ecosystem where I thrive. It is where I feel grounded and safe while recognizing that ‘it’ is not the source of my security. It is a place of beauty that holds the wisdom of the ages. A place where unseen life thrives as part of a larger ecosystem. A place with much more information than I’m aware of. A place to listen, observe, and learn.

How grateful I am for this place, this life, this expanding and deepening awareness.

My walking companions stayed with me as I settled in to write a bit later. The rocks and cacti, a familiar part of the landscape, took on a new symbolic meaning. The phrase ‘isles of coherence’ felt familiar as well, yet I wasn’t in touch with a specific remembrance of encountering it, so I turned to my friendly search engine to inquire. Prigogine’s quote above emerged in the first entry, a rich article Islands of Coherence by Stephen Posner, PhD. [link:]

A quick read reminded me of the many islands of coherence being co-created in our world as well as right here in my community (and most likely yours!). Emergent systems aligned with Nature and honoring the interconnectedness of all Life. Initiatives that are fair and just to all/for all. Farmers and ranchers who are regenerating soil while growing healthy, nourishing food. And more. All aiming to co-create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible (thank you Charles Eisenstein), not from calculations of mind and goals of bottom-line profit or winning some competition. Not from maintaining the false security we so often place in the material world, a job or business, but from open hearts listening to and guided by wisdom of ages past. Wisdom that holds the memory of living in the reality of Oneness, that we are each part of a greater whole: wisdom all to uncommon in today’s world.

From the morning journey I was reminded of the importance of choices we each make about how to BE in and with the chaos in the world. Our choices matter as each one contributes something to the greater whole.

Do I put my attention on the chaos and inevitable fear that joins it?  Or do I seek and support the islands of coherence of an emergent, beautiful world?

The choice seems so simple, yet the forces of the old fight to maintain their grip. Commitment and vigilance are required to seek, find, and co-create new, heart-based, coherent systems and practices that will build this new world.

I was reminded as well that in order to strengthen my capacity to make and support creating these frequencies of coherence, I need to be in and connected to supportive ecosystems and islands of coherence, right here at home, in the sacred woods out back and beyond in local community and community around the globe.

Cutting the ties of the old that bind, seeking the uncommon wisdom of the new for prickly, rocky times. Choosing to be part of lifting the entire system to a higher order.

Blooming Right Here!



Mindful Celebration and Grace

First Light on the Labyrinth

Although stable, form is fragile. It can emerge only under specific circumstances. Eduardo Kohn (from How Forests Think – essay in The Language of Trees: A Rewilding of Literature and Landscape, Katie Holten.  Pg. 105)

I began my day with movement: walking a favorite path before the sun crested the peaks of the Sangres, then the labyrinth, and, finally, a short walk with bare feet on the sand. I’d woken feeling called to be in Nature. I needed her grounding to guide me in bringing forth what is bubbling inside.

For some years the celebrations of July 4th, Independence Day, have rung hollow for me. While I love a parade, good music, food and festivity, I wondered whether and, if so, how I might celebrate in this time of dissolution, division, and rancor when the dark side of who and what we have been is coming to light.

The ‘dust’ of separation in its many forms swept under the rug for far too long has grown to dangerous mounds that the rug will no longer hide. Colonization. Slavery (with forms and disguises of its own). Racism. Inequality. Environmental degradation. Sexism. War mongering. Corporatocracy. Injustice. Violence. Untruth.

I feel a deep sadness that we have fallen so short of the ideals set forth on parchment in Philadelphia a short 248 years ago. We have not created the circumstances that would allow these ideals to flourish in form. Indeed, we have tamped them out at many turns, favoring profit over people, competition over cooperation, and encouraging war not peace. We’ve created and been allegiant to systems and forms that are contrary to the idea that we are all equal. We’ve cast aside the indigenous wisdom that we are one with Mother Earth and should listen, cooperate, learn from and with Her.

I’m aghast at our arrogance on the world stage and the treachery of our backstage ‘performances’, present and past. I no longer buy this story. I don’t feel the love of or loyalty to the country that I was raised to feel. I cannot and will not mindlessly pledge allegiance to a flag or sing its praises in a national anthem. I won’t cheer fireworks that celebrate war as they disturb the peace of many – those who suffer PTSD, our animal companions, Nature and her creatures.

I see little honor in our history – a history of enacting violence on one another and plundering the planet. All in the name of competition and separation. Believing ‘my way is better than yours’ so you must follow me (all too often under threat of death). We are not mindful and honoring of our connection to one another or to Gaia, our planet home as we cling to the fallacy of ‘survival of the fittest’.

And so, I place my attention and intentions elsewhere. The winds of change are blowing. Mother Earth and all her creatures, including we humans, are in the crucible of change – the crumbling of the old to make way for the emergence of the new. New light and new energy to adapt to and integrate. Evolutionary emergence.

Releasing and dissolving the old is messy. It’s scary. What’s ahead is unknown, yet its potential is deeply buried as seeds of knowing that a more beautiful world is possible. Seeds that will burst forth as more and more hearts awaken to their call. Seeds nourished by mindful choices and grace, not by systems currently hanging in place.

Late last week as I was reflecting on recent events and on the more beautiful world that I want to participate in co-creating, these words landed on the pages of my journal:

 How can I be in the grace of the emergent world?

The Grace of Emergence is the antidote to the chaos of dissolution.

Grace grounded in wholeness, the recognition that we are all One.

Grace grounded in love.

Grace grounded in interconnection and interweaving – of ALL threads.

What threads of light remain in the ashes of what is dissolving?

How do we weave them?

What remains beneath discord and distrust?

What deep knowing is rising to be woven into the fabric of Life to burn away that which stands in the way of service to ALL Life?

Yes, I will celebrate the day. I will tap into the ideals and ripe possibilities yearning to emerge. A more beautiful, just, and collaborative future will have my pledge. My dance to the music will hold the intention to call forth that world. For me. For you. For all. And for all who come to call this planet home in the future.

Old Makes Way for New Growth and Change



Redirected! A Pivot from Plan to Tending Inner Landscape

First Light in the Sangres

…become the source that makes

the river flow, and then the sea

beyond. Live in this place

as you were meant to, and then,

surprised by your abilities,

become the ancestor of it all,

the quiet, robust and blessed Saint

that your future happiness

will always remember. (David Whyte. Excerpt from Coleman’s Bed)


If you neglect your own immensity, your life-path itself becomes repressive and unnatural. It cannot unfurl in its own natural rhythm. (John O’Donohue. To Keep the Contours of Choice Porous in Eternal Echoes)

Starts and stops, words scratched out as I begin writing this morning. Mind wants to take a safe, easy route and share recently encountered inspirations. There is so much positive, innovative action, aligned with Nature and our true nature that I want to shine a light on. We need such light amid the world’s conflict, chaos, and dark ‘news’.

Heart and Spirit say, “Save that for another day. Today weave the thread of your inner landscape experience.”

So, with some tenderness, I share my experience of pivoting from following my mind’s plan to allowing guidance and a deep inner knowing to unfold my day. I suspect the experience will be with me for some time as I unpack and discover gifts, meaning, and relevance, present despite the seemingly mundane nature of the experience.

My experience itself was quite simple in its unfolding. So simple that I might have missed it, unaware of its presence on another day. Yesterday I woke with a clear plan of activity for the day – a trip to a nearby town to begin the process of purchasing new kitchen appliances. The old ones are tired and functioning poorly. Unfortunately, repair is not an option.

I also woke feeling a bit of angst and unsettledness as if something new in the world was off. 

As I engaged in my morning practices, the angst lifted. At the same time, I began to feel a sense that I was not to make my planned trip, a sense that deepened in short order. Guidance had been given and I received it. I felt a sense of trust that the ‘right’ time would reveal itself for the appliance journey. Besides I could do more research, make some calls, and focus on other things needing attention.

Then, as I began to redirect my energy, I felt a strong energetic surge with further guidance, “NO! Not any of that … Do this…”. The ‘this’ was a mundane task of washing the leaves of two large house plants that had become infested with insects that left a sticky residue on them. Hmmm???

Despite it not making so-called ‘rational’ sense (heck, I had a plan and other important ‘stuff’ to do!) I sensed that I was meant to follow the guidance.

Two-plus blissful hours later, I felt a sense of accomplishment as well as much gratitude from the plants. Their leaves could breathe again! Their beauty had been restored. They were happy. I embraced the felt sense of satisfaction and acknowledged myself for following heart-led, spirit-filled guidance rather than my plan.

The earlier angst had lifted as well and I devoted several hours to watching a wonderful film on regenerative agriculture, a heart-felt area of exploration ripe with potential for community engagement. Inspiring stories to share on another blog day!

Early Sunbeams in the Woods Out Back



Back Home in the Woods

Sunrise in the Sangres

Home is the nicest word there is. Laura Ingalls Wilder, American author

There’s no place like home! Dorothy

I was delighted to discover Laura Ingalls Wilder’s quote this morning as ‘home’ is a word that I love, representing a place I love as well as anywhere that I feel a sense of belonging.

When and wherever I roam, I aim to make ‘home’ and to experience feeling at home. We each have our own ways of doing so. For me it’s maintaining my morning practice of sipping warm lemon water (now with a pinch or two of mineral rich Celtic salt) as I reflect and write in my journal. Feeling gratitude, I look ahead to the day before me. What will the day bring? How will I BE with whatever that is? Is something lingering from yesterday that needs my attention?

This ritual has come to anchor my day, grounding me at the start of each day’s dance.

And so it was on the short, four-day road trip to visit an elder friend who I hadn’t seen in 17 years and to meet up with my stepson and his family, meeting his beautiful children for the first time. Laughs, curiosities, creativity, exploration, love, hugs, and more were shared with all. Home away from the home where I dwell.

Love makes any place be like home – the love we bring and the love we discover is there awaiting our recognition and receptivity. That was my experience on this entire journey.

As Dorothy says to Toto, “There’s no place like home!” With this adventure on the yellow brick road behind me, today finds me feeling deeply satisfied as I ease back into life in these woods. Watching as the day dawns and the sun makes its way over the peaks on this day before the Summer Solstice, my heart is filled with awe and gratitude for the beauty, the abundance, and the peace of this sacred place that I’m blessed to occupy.

How often after a journey do we give ourselves the gift of time to simply feel satisfied? Perhaps we find it challenging to embrace satisfaction in a world that constantly emits messages that there isn’t enough, that life is a mess, and that we need to do more and have more to be satisfied.

Certainly life is messy and chaotic and uncertain, with discord easily found in all directions. Yet we need not allow that world to keep us from experiencing a sense of satisfaction, for that world is not the only world available to us.

These thoughts and queries rise in me as I settle in here at home after a satisfying and joyful journey. So often we don’t give ourselves the gift of inviting satisfaction and then resting in its joy if only for a few moments.

As the sun begins to break through early morning clouds over the peaks of the Sangres, I linger in that gift and carry it with me as I move into the day.

Early Morning Clouds



Pivoting to Rest

Leaping Limbs

There are days in life when you just need to pull the covers over your head … Gregge Tiffen

While I’m not pulling the covers over my head this day, I am guided to rest as I allow body, mind, and spirit to begin integrating the deep and wide experiences and learnings from a six-day retreat that ended yesterday.

Words will come in their time to share, and my guess is that I’ll be back next week.

Meanwhile I invite you to explore your own need for rest. Are you pushing through at a time when rest is calling? And, enjoy these quotes [compiled by Jennifer Healey in a 2019 blog post -] about the benefits of rest and to assess your own need for rest at this intense time.

Real rest feels like every cell is thanking you for taking care of you. It’s calm, not full of checklists and chores. It’s simple: not multitasking; not fixing broken things. Jennifer Williamson

When you rest, you catch your breath and it holds you up, like water wings… Anne Lamott

Your commitment to your wellness is part of the revolution. Danielle LaPorte

Cottonwood Creek is Flowing!



Unconscious Choices Speak Loudly

Grandmother Tree thrives long after a wound …

When we hold on to an idea or notion we feel rigid and less free. It prevents us from arriving at a deeper insight. In the spirit of meta meditation we can wish for ourselves and others to be free from wrong perceptions and wrong desires: “May I have clarity into my habits and shortcomings.” We can practice this in the morning as a reminder to be aware of our perceptions throughout the day.   Non-Attachment to Views & Freedom of Thought  -- Sr Tuệ Nghiêm (blog from Plum Village website)

 I popped into some friends’ home late Thursday afternoon to pick something up. They came running down the stairs excitedly asking, “Have you heard the news?”

“No. What news?” I was clueless having been out and about in town for several hours.

“Guilty! Trump guilty on ALL 34 counts!” they exclaimed. I joined their celebration and continued to do so at my next stop. Upon coming home I logged into network news for the first time in eons, listening to the commentators, feeling both stunned, pleased, and perhaps a bit smug with a sense of ‘victory’.

Journaling early Friday morning these ‘morning after’ words landed on the page shortly before an early Zoom and a full plate of activity for the day: “insight re Trump as the U.S. shadow and reckoning -- and shows me how embedded separation is in me as I celebrated his guilty verdict quickly upon hearing and felt a sense of celebration and 'WOW' for many hours.”

I gulped and set the thoughts aside as I moved into my commitments for the day. But I sense they sat with me; simmering, marinating as I moved through the day.

On Saturday morning, I returned my conscious thoughts to Friday morning’s insight, writing in my journal:

“I want to get back to this idea of Trump as our shadow and reckoning and how embedded separation is in me as I celebrated the decision quite easily and in flow with others who shared the news with me. I feel sad about celebrating for it represents in some way celebrating separation. Victory over another. I'm sad for our vilification of one another rather than recognizing that in each of us, no matter how hidden beneath pain, trauma, and who knows what else, is the seed of Source. Of that which is aligned with what Sources Life. The root of corruption is in our broken hearts - not the broken hearts of romantic love and lust - but the heart severed in awareness from its connection to the Cosmos. To Light. To Love. To Gaia. To ONE Another.”

“We walk around with our broken hearts trying to fix or hold together broken systems that reflect this separation. We blame 'the other side' for the failures and our misery. We perpetuate this blame and division with vilifying social media posts, not recognizing how it reflects our own broken connection.”

 “If I truly believe with all my BEing that we are ONE, could I celebrate any condemnation of another? Have we really proven that 'the system works' as many proclaim? Or that 'the system is totally broken and rigged' as others protest?”

 Trump was certainly showing me my own shadow and inviting me to reckon with it and, hopefully, to reconcile gaps between what I say the I believe and the loud voice of my unconscious choices.

 As I’ve continued to sit with this, I understand more clearly why vilifying posts and drama laden news touch me deeply: they point to my own pain, the pain inflicted by separation. They point to those places where I fall short of fully living what I claim are my values. They separate rather than unify. They show me where I am holding on.

 As Sr Tue Nghiem suggests, when I am holding fast to a position,  I lose access to deeper understanding of and insight about self and all beyond. I feel rigid, restricted, and I’m out of touch with the field of infinite possibilities. I’m contributing my energy to separation, contrary to the Oneness my heart knows is real. I’m not at peace with myself or the world.

 Most of all I’m not contributing to the world that I want for my grandchildren and yours. The more beautiful world my heart knows is possible, if I will do my part to stay the course and focus my actions on building that world rather than feeding the old, worn-out world of separation.

And so this day I move into the world with a deepened commitment to choosing consciously and with heightened awareness of my choice.

Sunset Tree



Keeping the Prism Clear

Elder Rocks & Youngling Trees in the Woods Out Back

As far away light yields its harvest of colours when it passes through a prism, beauty opens out its radiance when it shines thorough the human heart. The heart is the place where beauty arrives; here is where it can be felt, recognized and shared. If there was no heart, beauty could never reach us. Through the heart beauty can pervade every cell of the body and fill us. … Compassion and attention keep the prism clear so that beauty may illuminate our life. John O’Donohue (The Heart: Prism for Beauty in Beauty: The Invisible Embrace)

Whether darkness is visiting us personally through difficult events or we are witnessing the darkness and horror of world events touching vast numbers of our fellow humans, we are challenged to hold the light and attend to beauty. Our heart may harden having received some erroneous message from our rational mind that such hardening is protection. ‘Only the rational mind is safe,’ mind may claim.

But a hardened heart dulls and clouds the prism, limiting its capacity, our capacity to witness and experience the beauty that is Life.

This Wednesday musing comes in the wake of hearing from two friends each with a family member in the dark dance of a serious medical diagnosis as well last night’s reading of the beautiful O’Donohue essay quoted above. It comes after investing in an early morning meander through the woods out back. Inviting the elders, tree beings and rock beings, and the youngsters, new blades of verdant grasses and other life bursting forth from underground, to share their wisdom. They are teaching me to listen, not with ears, but with my BEing.

How is it that they live, and some even thrive, without the accoutrements we humans have become addicted to? They need no email or text notification to communicate. To know when to emerge, when to be dormant. They share with one another. Tree to tree. Elder to youngster. Grasses to trees. Trees to grasses. Rock beings holding surface soil in place as one of their many purposes. The vast unseen mycelial network. Nature’s internet. Beauty.

How might life be if we logged into this as our Source? What beauty might we behold? What beauty might we call forth in co-creation with All that IS?

Perhaps this is the compassion and attention that will keep our prisms clear. Step by step. One by one. Until clear prisms illuminate our individual beauty and the beauty of all Life around the globe and beyond into the Cosmos.

Early Morning Softness and Beauty from the Woods



Resistance Revisited

Mama and youngster grazing in the morning

What you resist not only persists but will grow in size. Carl Jung

This blog day finds me in deep reflection about the state of our world, the untruths of separation on which world systems are built, and the consequences that seem to be growing exponentially 24/7. I’m challenged to write as thoughts, emotions, dreams, sadness, and love are swirling about in a soup of possibility that yet needs to simmer.

And yet, one of many ingredients in the soup of my week rises to be shared: a short video that has me relating to resistance in a new way, a way that today has few words, so I share it with you to add to the soup of your life and to invite you to join me in exploring where you find yourself resisting. Are you resisting change that will allow the butterfly within to emerge and take flight? Are you resisting the new world whose cells are growing daily?

Click here to watch! And enjoy!

Greening UP!



Spring Into the New!

Season’s First Wildflowers

The mystery and magic of being an individual is to live life in response to the deep call within, the call to become who we were dreamed to be. … Freedom … is the poise of the soul at one with a life which honours and engages its creative possibility. John O’Donohue (Beauty: The Invisible Embrace)

Signs of spring abound here in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains at 8,000+ feet. Verdant leaves bursting with life, blades of wild grasses, pinecones beginning to form, early blooming wildflowers on the roads and trails I walk. Vibrant iris in my garden.

Present to this beauty and freshness, I’m reminded that each are becoming that which they were dreamed to be. That is the way of Nature. And Nature is us. Muse is active in my morning journaling as questions rise. What seeds of who you were dreamed to be are longing to be nourished and called forth? What seeds are yours to tend in creating our world anew?

I’ve been sitting with this and similar questions as I gently move with the winter to spring seasonal change here in the northern hemisphere.

I ask, ‘where is the new arising?’ I want to be there where seeds of a new world are sprouting. I want to discover what seeds are mine to nurture, to tend? I want to hear the whispers of freshness. I wonder who is calling forth that which is aligned with my heart, the ways of Nature, the cosmos?

Our planet home, Gaia, speaks volumes through all Her beings. She speaks gently in the meandering flow of streams and leaves rustling in spring breezes. As if to wake us up, she roars. Quaking, exploding, flooding, drying out. Listen! Air, fire, water, earth elements all preparing – perhaps prepared – to leap into their fullness, their wholeness when WE know and acknowledge that we are all One with them. One with all Life. Cells in the body of Life. Fractals in the greater whole of infinite beingness.

Material and not. Seen and unseen. Living, breathing Life is everywhere awaiting, cheering on our waking up, our remembering that which is real. That which gives Life. That which enhances Life. Life!

I’m recognizing a deep pull, magnetism to move with and toward what is rising. Honoring what is new in me. Discovering what is emergent in the world, ripe with creative potential for engagement. At the same time, I’m drawn to participate in the old, tired political system to re-elect a county commissioner who cares deeply about and works tirelessly for protecting our area’s water and to encourage local, organic, regenerative agriculture. Feed the people. Build the soil. Although these are the very elements that I see rising and want to nurture, I notice that the tasks to be done in a campaign are of the mind more than the heart.

Feeling pulled to choose one or the other, I’m gently reminded of ‘both/and’ and I wonder how I can honor participating in both to create synergy and support between the two? How can I bring heart to the old for the sake of nurturing the new? What is possible when I acknowledge that my heart longs to witness humanity rising as we remember who we are and to step into the creative possibilities of that? One by one. Step by step. Springing, ever gently, into the new!



Forever Changed

Morning Light, Morning Beauty

I woke feeling forever changed in some way that has no words (yet)…

Yesterday I wrote these words in a quick note to few close friends and associates with a link to an interview with Dr. Zach Bush that I’d watched the night before, representing how I felt after the experience of watching.

The interview was profound and, for me, deeply moving in ways that I suspect will continue to reveal themselves for some time to come. I experienced it as raw, vulnerable (and I feel a bit vulnerable in sharing), honest, sincere, moving, and much more. A snapshot of one chapter of Bush’s journey to the Divine, weaving his experience as a medical doctor to our innate purity at birth and at death. He invites us not only to witness the beauty and perfection of Nature, but to remember that we are fractals of a Divine perfect whole.

It isn’t a video that I thought I’d be sharing here in The Pivot, but that changed as I began thinking about this week’s post. As I often do on ‘blog eve’, I pulled an inspirational book from the shelf, curious to see what my eyes would land on and how it might guide or weave into the week’s post. Opening David Whyte: Essentials to a random page, I was gifted with his poem, A Seeming Stillness, and these words in the last stanzas:

Breathe then, as if breathing for the first time,

as if remembering with what difficulty

you came into the world, what strength it took

to make that first impossible in-breath,

into a cry to be heard by the world.


Your essence has always been that first vulnerability

of being found, of being heard and of being seen,

and from the very beginning

the one who has always needed,

and been given, so much invisible help.


This is how you were when you first came

into this world, this is how you were

when you took your first breath in that world,

this is how you are now,

all unawares, in your new body and your new life,

this is the raw vulnerability of your every day,

and this is how you will want to be,

and be remembered, when you leave the world.


So very affirming of how I heard Bush’s interview, Whyte’s words seemed to say, ‘Share this!’.

I don’t share it lightly. It isn’t short and sweet. It’s long (almost two hours in the two parts) and tender, an invitation to gift yourself with a deep dive that may support you as you navigate the change and chaos all around. While it isn’t about politics, relationships, or the economy, et cetera, Bush weaves our part in all of these into his story. And, you may find, as I did, ‘his’ story is indeed our story. A story of who we are, and the vast potential of the purity that is seeded within. For those willing, here’s the link to Part 1.

Our world, indeed, the cosmos, is moving and changing fast as are we individually and collectively. Staying present to that with wonder and curiosity is one of my antidotes to the chaos of the mainstream, dancing with being ‘informed’ and recognizing that we are in a state of forming anew each and every day.

A Magical Tree Called ‘Merlin’
