Season’s First Wildflowers
The mystery and magic of being an individual is to live life in response to the deep call within, the call to become who we were dreamed to be. … Freedom … is the poise of the soul at one with a life which honours and engages its creative possibility. John O’Donohue (Beauty: The Invisible Embrace)
Signs of spring abound here in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains at 8,000+ feet. Verdant leaves bursting with life, blades of wild grasses, pinecones beginning to form, early blooming wildflowers on the roads and trails I walk. Vibrant iris in my garden.
Present to this beauty and freshness, I’m reminded that each are becoming that which they were dreamed to be. That is the way of Nature. And Nature is us. Muse is active in my morning journaling as questions rise. What seeds of who you were dreamed to be are longing to be nourished and called forth? What seeds are yours to tend in creating our world anew?
I’ve been sitting with this and similar questions as I gently move with the winter to spring seasonal change here in the northern hemisphere.
I ask, ‘where is the new arising?’ I want to be there where seeds of a new world are sprouting. I want to discover what seeds are mine to nurture, to tend? I want to hear the whispers of freshness. I wonder who is calling forth that which is aligned with my heart, the ways of Nature, the cosmos?
Our planet home, Gaia, speaks volumes through all Her beings. She speaks gently in the meandering flow of streams and leaves rustling in spring breezes. As if to wake us up, she roars. Quaking, exploding, flooding, drying out. Listen! Air, fire, water, earth elements all preparing – perhaps prepared – to leap into their fullness, their wholeness when WE know and acknowledge that we are all One with them. One with all Life. Cells in the body of Life. Fractals in the greater whole of infinite beingness.
Material and not. Seen and unseen. Living, breathing Life is everywhere awaiting, cheering on our waking up, our remembering that which is real. That which gives Life. That which enhances Life. Life!
I’m recognizing a deep pull, magnetism to move with and toward what is rising. Honoring what is new in me. Discovering what is emergent in the world, ripe with creative potential for engagement. At the same time, I’m drawn to participate in the old, tired political system to re-elect a county commissioner who cares deeply about and works tirelessly for protecting our area’s water and to encourage local, organic, regenerative agriculture. Feed the people. Build the soil. Although these are the very elements that I see rising and want to nurture, I notice that the tasks to be done in a campaign are of the mind more than the heart.
Feeling pulled to choose one or the other, I’m gently reminded of ‘both/and’ and I wonder how I can honor participating in both to create synergy and support between the two? How can I bring heart to the old for the sake of nurturing the new? What is possible when I acknowledge that my heart longs to witness humanity rising as we remember who we are and to step into the creative possibilities of that? One by one. Step by step. Springing, ever gently, into the new!