
My Solstice Prayer 2023


The beauty of Winter Solstice is courage in itself. It is the courage to know that to be new is not necessarily going to be accepted by those expecting the commonplace. … a new you is ready … that will carry you through the new cycle. … Solstice is the time when you give up what you have and accept what is being born as the new power within you, the awareness within you, the new person within you. Gregge Tiffen (Winter Solstice: The Christmas Story)

As I ease into the quiet of Solstice Eve and Solstice Day, I begin to contemplate what of the old needs to fall away, and I start to imagine who might I be in this new cycle. As I sit in the early morning quiet, my prayer for this sacred day when Heaven and Nature sing in harmony and for the cycle ahead begins to emerge…

May I let go of whatever stories of separation remain a part of me so that I can live more fully into the truth of Oneness.

May my critical eye be only a tool for discernment, not judgements of others.

May I grow in my capacity to act from compassion, calling forth compassion first, releasing judgement and doubt, and recognizing where compassion is needed.

May I listen deeply to my heart, to others, to Nature, and to guidance from Spirit.

May I have the maturity to live in the kind of peaceful world that I desire.

May I let go of childish ways and embrace all life with child-like wonder.

May I know peace and may I BE peace in my walk through our chaotic world.

May you find moments of peace in the midst of the world’s noise and busyness to release the old and step into your creation of the new. I appreciate these wise words from Max Ehrmann, penned in 1927, which seems so relevant almost 100 years later (listen here).

Nestled in the Snow …



Easing into Solstice 2023

Deer in the Woods

All of heaven and all of earth coordinate at the Winter Solstice. Gregge Tiffen (Winter Solstice: The Christmas Story)

What I would exhort you to, what I would give as a gift to you, what I would lay down a soul for, would be for your awareness to recognize that this is a personal event for your life. It is the time that has been set up on this planet for you and Heaven to be with each other without interference. Gregge Tiffen (The Winter Solstice: Giving To Yourself – December, 2007)

With the daylight shortening as we move toward the Winter Solstice here in the northern hemisphere, the longer nights can seem to reflect the darkness of violence happening around the globe. It’s good to remember that our friends to the south are experiencing the longest light of their year. So it is with our awareness that as so much of humanity is expressing itself in dark ways, there is also much light, much love, much joy, and much hope for a brighter tomorrow.

It seems that we’ve drifted in our understanding of this season. …the time … for you and Heaven to be with each other without interference. Breathe that in for just a moment. Breathe a breath of gratitude for the gift. May we put our attention on the light and live in awareness of love as we pray for peace to break out all over the globe.

As I enter this Solstice time, I feel deeply blessed to not be engaged in much of the busyness that has come to define this holiday season. I’m grateful that on cold mornings with a warming fire in the woodstove I can look to the woods out back through the eyes of a heart that knows no separation from my tree relatives, from the rock beings, the winged ones, or from the four-legged creatures of all sizes that dwell or pass through this sacred place. My heart knows this as surely as it knows my oneness with the unseen Life that thrives here.

 I’m tuning in to the sacredness of this time, to the station of Nature’s beauty, and to the bubbling of old and new deep inside.  At the same time, I observe so much and so many in the world who are unable to do so.

Divisiveness and angst have intensified exponentially in recent years. So too have the opportunities for personal growth and evolution, individually and collectively. It is on those opportunities that I want to focus my attention this Solstice time.

One of the sources I turn to at Solstice is Gregge Tiffen’s writings about this sacred time. I find the message below a gentle reminder of the choices I can make moment to moment in all the days of winter solitude ahead and beyond this winter into the spring:

Prelude (Winter Solstice: The Christmas Story)

There is nothing I can give you which you have not got; but there is much, very much, that while I cannot give it, you can take.

No Heaven can come to us, unless our hearts find rest in today.

Take Heaven

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant.

Take Peace

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness could we but see, and to see, we have only to look, I beseech you,


In the quiet there is tranquility. May your life move and radiate in that unity and your heart sing the hymn of peace to all mankind.

And so, at this time, I greet you not quite as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and with prayer that for now and forever the day breaks, and the shadows flee away.

 In the Christmas Story, we are told that the inn was full. And, yet a receptive place for the birth was found. And so it is for each of us.

We too need to empty and make ourselves receptive to the new.  Solstice is a time to declare one cycle complete, making way for another to begin. It is a time to embrace the realm of spirit and turn our backs on the material world, if only for a brief time. It is a time to bless and release all who have crossed our path in this cycle, knowing that those who are meant to return will be there in the new one.

And, perhaps most important of all, it is time to let go of who we were in the cycle that is completing.  The ‘you’ of that cycle is complete as well. And a new you of your design and making awaits.

We need not wait for the day of Solstice to take Heaven, to take Peace, and to Look at the radiance in the darkness within and without. Let us take them now and allow the potency of this time to fill us. This is our time to empty. This is our time to embrace seeds of the new; to be receptive.

As our planet celebrates her birthday, my prayer is that I align with all my relations such that my comfort, my safety, my Life is not at their expense. This is my prayer for Solistice, for the year ahead, for Gaia, for Life. May this be our song of Joy to the World with ALL of Nature singing in harmony with one another and with the Heavens. Hallelujah!

Let us honor Mother Earth by taking time to reflect the gifts of the time when heaven and nature sing as one. May we each sing along in our own unique and harmonious way.

Icy Rio Grande River - Del Norte, Colorado



Maintaining Peace Within

Dragonfly in the Sand

In times of tragedy, what is the balance between bearing witness and self-preservation? Megan Lierley (in The Good Trade – December 5, 2023).

Mindful of how important it is to maintain a high frequency as I navigate life, especially in my interactions with others, a question rose in me as I rose into this day: How do I maintain peace within and broadcast love when I’ve observed or when I’m discussing a particular event around which I hold judgement?

In essence, the question is similar to the challenge I posed here a couple weeks back (click here to revisit My Thanksgiving Prayer): maintaining inner peace as we witness horrific events and the choices of others with whom we do not agree.

Pausing, taking a breath, engaging gratitude are strong practices to help meet the challenge. But ‘what else?’ I wondered as I built the morning fire to break the chill that crept into the house overnight.

I recalled a recent conversation when a friend shared that she finds herself fascinated by “the ways some people are choosing to express themselves these days.” Her comment reframed judgement and called forth curiosity, another path to peace within.

As I began to think about a focus for today’s Pivot my wondering shifted: ‘Is this what wants to be shared?’ Before beginning to write I popped online to check our local weather guy’s website and the day’s forecast and, uncharacteristically, scanned through my email inbox. A particular subject line, How to Mindfully Consume Difficult News, caught my eye.

Scanning through the article, I felt a sense of guidance and affirmation. Yes, this IS today’s Pivot. For indeed this IS a time for mindful choices, for care of self, for feeling what we feel while tapping into our heart’s knowing so that in our walk through the world, we maintain a sense of peace and project that peace into our chaotic world. While the article addresses primarily practices for staying informed through various news media, at its core, it’s about maintaining inner peace. You can read the article here.

How might our world pivot with more mindful choices about how we stay informed and how we communicate with others around the information we are discovering? How do we/I BE as witness events and choices which we find horrific and even those with which we simply disagree? Perhaps musing such questions can bring us to more mindful choices and support us to walk through the world more peacefully, broadcasting from the spectrum of love. And perhaps in our individual answers we strengthen our ability to restore and maintain peace within, for surely love and care rise from that place.

Snowy Peaks to the South



It's Take a Breath Wednesday!

Ziggurat and the Sacred Sangre de Cristo Mountains

Breathing has its own rhythm. Breath comes in ebb and flow. Through breathing you come into the rhythm with your self. The generosity of air allows each object to merge and to be. John O’Donohue

Today is (drumroll please!) ‘Take a Breath Wednesday’! Yeah, I know today’s post is a bit late in coming and you had no forewarning about the significance of this day, so heck, let’s make tomorrow ‘Take a Breath Thursday’. Or how about ‘Take a Breath Week’?

Here in the U.S., we’ve just completed a string of days that have been given names, the majority aimed at our consumer habits. After last Thursday’s Thanksgiving, we woke to ‘Black Friday’ (Thankfully, Muse restrains me from commentary about the name and what it’s become in our culture.) which others have tagged ‘Green Friday’ or ‘buy nothing Friday’, a day to be in Nature and avoid the consumer craziness. Following that ‘Small Business Saturday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’, and, lastly, ‘Giving Tuesday’.

Together Muse and I wonder why the Friday after Thanksgiving isn’t Giving Friday. But our priorities and our thinking are not especially aligned with the priorities of commerce. We value community and we value coherence, unity within and unity without. Or as John O’Donohue suggests coming into the rhythm with your self.

Your Self. Conscious breathing takes us to a place of awareness and a state of being where heart and brain can align. A state of being that brings us peace within, peace to support us in navigating this chaotic, heart-wrenching time in a world where peace may seem out of reach. When head and heart are aligned, we know the truth of our interconnectedness with one another and with all life. We open ourselves to experience the interconnectedness that erases the false boundaries of nations, skin color, language, religion, cultural practices, political views and all that is designed to divide us. All Life.

Breathe and you know that you are alive.
Breathe and you know that all is helping you.
Breathe and you know that you are the world.
Breathe and you know that the flower is breathing too.
Breathe for yourself and you breathe for the world.
Breathe in compassion and breathe out joy.
Breathe and be one with the air that you breathe.
Breathe and be one with the river that flows.
Breathe and be one with the earth you tread.
Breathe and be one with the fire that glows.
Breathe and you break the thought of birth and death.
Breathe and you see that impermanence is life.
Breathe for your joy to be steady and calm.
Breathe for your sorrow to flow away.
Breathe to renew every cell in your blood.
Breathe to renew the depths of consciousness.
Breathe and you dwell in the here and now.
Breathe and all you touch is new and real.
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Take a good, deep breath and let’s make EVERYday a day to breathe in the truth of our humanity!

Full Moon in the Trees



My Thanksgiving Prayer 2023

Snow on the Peaks!

The power of giving thanks gives life its vitality! The power of giving thanks comes through your awareness that you are always in a position to receive all the elements the Universe has to offer. Everything is available to you.  Gregge Tiffen (The Power of Giving Thanks, November 2007)

 As I do most every morning, I felt grateful when I woke (being ‘woke’ seems a good thing!) this day before Thanksgiving here in the U.S. Accompanying Zadie Byrd outside at dawn, my gratitude deepened upon hearing two Great Horned Owls calling to one another deep in the woods. Who … who, who … hoot. I am so very grateful to be in this beautiful place.

 A bit later, heading out for our morning walk, I looked up to find the sky to be a crisscross of chem trails. What? Who? Why do we do this, I wonder, anger rising. I need a few moments to breathe and return to gratitude.

I was reminded of a conversation yesterday with a friend as we were sharing the attention required to navigate life in this time of chaos, a time when we feel challenged to hold our center, our peace amidst war, cruelty, starvation, and other human experiences. She spoke of a teacher who once told her, “… care, and don’t allow your care to disturb your deep peace.” Sometimes easier said than done. Gratitude is a practice that helps clear the path.

Today, the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, has me remembering the classroom I was in when the announcement came over the crackling speaker that connected our room to the school office. I was shaken not just by the announcement but also by the teacher’s inappropriate chuckle and muttered words that sounded something like ‘he deserved it’. Little did I know that her muttered response was a harbinger of more and visible divisiveness to come.

This morning as I read the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, Greetings to the Natural World I reflected once again that, while it is good to have a special day to give thanks, the irony of Thanksgiving’s origins in this country deserves us to pause for thoughtful consideration. As you give thanks, I’ll leave that consideration to your heart and soul. I’m grateful that as a society we are beginning to acknowledge, understand, and hopefully, move beyond the dark choices that haunt our past.

Despite the disgust and sadness I feel for the atrocities we force upon one another and on our dear planet, I’m grateful for this life and for the opportunities to learn and grow that are ever present.  Despite the irony of the holiday’s origins, I celebrate, grateful for my conviction that, despite history and the current chaos and cruelty worldwide, justice and light will prevail.

Several years back, sitting quietly by the fire on a cold morning, I began to write in my journal. The words that came surprised me and took me to an unexpected place: gratitude for being me.  As I ease into Thanksgiving Day 2023, I remember all that I’m grateful for and my words then inspire my prayer of thanks for 2023:

I’m grateful for how I live my life, the choices I make, the insight and curiosity I experience, my love of quiet and of Nature’s beauty. I’m grateful that I take reasonably good care of myself. I’m grateful that I take time to ease into the day and enjoy the morning quiet. I’m grateful for introspection and for how I see the world unfolding perfectly in this human experiment despite events that are horrific beyond my understanding. I’m grateful for this year’s events and for those individuals whose actions continue to challenge me to hold this light.

I’m grateful for all the beings who are holding light in the midst of darkness.

I’m grateful for the challenges and changes this year has thrust upon me personally and on all of us as a community of humans. I’m grateful for the experience of abundance and that I’m able to share in my community and beyond. I’m grateful for those in my community and beyond toil daily to produce nutritious food and enrich the soil.

I remain grateful for nine years with Cool Hand Luke Skywalker and for all that he taught me about patience, forgiveness, rest, play, listening and so much more. His ongoing presence reminds me that life is a continuum not a finite event. I’m grateful for Zadie Byrd carrying the torch of being my canine companion and teacher. Her sweet presence in my life is a constant blessing that grows each year.

I’m grateful for how I’ve faced the challenges in my life, even those where in hindsight I saw a different way for me to be. Each offered a gift, and I did my best to accept it.

This year I’m especially grateful that I enjoy my own company as well as the company of others. Both are so very important, yet we humans so very often shun being alone for fear of being lonely, forgetting that in our aloneness we hear Your voice and feel Your presence.

Thank You for always being with me/in me. Thank YOU for allowing and guiding me to be me. I feel so close You, God, in these quiet moments and I am so very grateful.

When we give thanks for being who we are, we tap into the vitality of life. Wherever this week finds you, may you feel a depth of gratitude that goes deeper and further than any you have felt in your past.

May CHEERFUL Be Your Way!


Breaking Habits and Patterns

Blanca Peak in the Sangre de Cristo range

This time calls for us to become more humane toward one another so that we move beyond the paradigm of separation to embrace one another and ALL life as our kin. We are called to BE and to live authentically in alignment with how life truly is.

Rising early this morning I built a fire in the woodstove to break the morning chill. Settling in to my habitual weather check before beginning to write, I discovered the internet down – no local weather, no email, no access to Zoom. Hmmmm… Perfect conditions for experimenting with adjustments to the morning and daily routines, especially since I want to feed Zadie Byrd earlier in the day to increase the time between her meals.

‘Zades’ looks confused as I begin preparing her breakfast before our morning walk and at a time I’m usually quietly journalling by the fire. When breakfast is served this four-legged lover of most all things ‘food’ needs a bit of coaxing to eat.  It feels strange to me as well, but as I go about the tasks of preparation the adjustment feels just right. I notice the easy flow and I begin to think about the weekly post: What wants to be shared today?

I remember an email newsletter that I’d thought about quoting and expanding on its theme, something like ‘sometimes the answer is not finding the answer’. The essence is that there are times when we need to stop, give ourselves time to reflect before we can know how to respond – themes that run through many posts and, indeed, my life (apologies to the great folks at Regenerate Change if I obliterated your focus).

I suspect that the reason the article grabbed my attention is that it reflects my longing for the deep peace and quiet of cold, snowy winter days when the hours of daylight pass quickly and the nights are long and dark.

Perhaps that sort of longing is what inspires people to decorate early for the holidays … but that (declares Muse) is a path not to tread this day.

l sense that my current longing for winter stems from the depth of intensity I feel in all of life, different from intense times in my past. I’m certain that my observations of global and national events is also a factor.

I see the intensity reflected in turmoil, rancor, and violence around the globe. I see it in Earth changes and in the planet speaking her language: earthquakes, fires, floods, volcanic eruptions, along with the beauty of new growth, vibrant health of some ecosystems, and the cycles of birth and death in all species.

This time calls for us to become more humane toward one another so that we move beyond the paradigm of separation to embrace one another and ALL life as our kin. We are called to BE and to live authentically in alignment with how life truly is.

This time asks us to break habits and patterns – from the feeding and care of ourselves and our beloved animal companions to the trigger-happy, warmongering reactions that have become all too frequent.

It requires that we break patterns of abuse – self-abuse and abuse of others in our thoughts, our words, our deeds – and that we live knowing that every human and every living thing has worth, has value, has purpose even in the darkest of times and conditions. Even, perhaps especially, when we ourselves feel unworthy or undeserving.

It requires crystal clear clarity to help us see beyond our old stories and into the creation of new stories that reflect the truth of who we are.

It invites us to BE and embody who we truly are – not who or what we (or the world’s old stories) dictate that we should be – and to embrace that we are each living in this turbulent time at what is the perfect, divine time for our soul’s development on its unique, infinite trajectory.

Humanity is calling, the Earth is calling, the cosmos is calling. How will we answer the call?

Nature’s Beauty in the Woods Out Back


Pivoting to Rest

Cozy Fire to Chase the Morning Chill Away

There are days in life when you just need to pull the covers over your head … Gregge Tiffen

Early this morning after settling in by the warming fire I found myself challenged to focus on writing this week’s Pivot. The week has been eventful. Body, mind, and spirit active, with insights, curiosities, and musings to share. Yet none drew me in or pointed to ‘this’ as a focus.

As I sat, I felt deep sadness for the turmoil and suffering in the world – globally and right here in my community. I was present to adjustments I’m making to support Zadie Byrd in health challenges typical for senior canines and to my own process of recovery still underway several weeks after a fall.

As I wondered ‘Yes, but what about today’s post?’, Muse popped in and reminded me of Gregge’s words. Words heard long ago that have stayed with me as guidance on days when I’ve simply felt ‘off’. Words that remind me of the importance of rest, so often forgotten in our culture where doing and accomplishing often reign supreme.

And so, this day while I’m not pulling the covers over my head, I am pivoting to rest. Body needs time of minimal activity to heal its inflamed rotator cuffs. Mind and Spirit need reflection and integration time to dance with the deep changes underway – personally and cosmically.

Muse says we’ll be back next week and invites you to enjoy these quotes [compiled by Jennifer Healey in a 2019 blog post] about the benefits of rest and to assess your own need for rest at this intense time.

Real rest feels like every cell is thanking you for taking care of you. It’s calm, not full of checklists and chores. It’s simple: not multitasking; not fixing broken things. Jennifer Williamson

When you rest, you catch your breath and it holds you up, like water wings… Anne Lamott

Your commitment to your wellness is part of the revolution. Danielle LaPorte

Early Morning Sky



Awakening to Our Complicity

Along the Road - A Curious Cow

Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. Frances Moore Lappé

Lappé’s words landed in a deep place a week or so ago when I first read them in our local food hub’s newsletter. They came on the heels of words spoken by an associate during a Zoom call early one morning. “We’re all complicit,” she shared, not referring to any particular crisis or issue.

I was reminded that EveryThing we do, think, speak matters in this interconnected world that we are each a part of. And of how many choices -some conscious, others not- I make every day, each a vote for something. Am I voting for what I truly want – the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible? Or …

I thought about the motto of our local Valley Roots Food Hub that each week aggregates and delivers locally grown and produced foods from dozens of farmers, ranchers, and producers in our region: You have three votes every day!  

The choices we make about what to eat each day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner (not to mention snack time) – are votes we cast that make a difference in our personal lives, in our community, and beyond.  Each vote says something about the quality of health that we want for our bodies. Each vote says something about what we want for the vibrancy of our local community. Each vote says something about how much we care about our neighbors, the soil and, indeed, our precious planetary home.

As much as possible my food votes are for local, organic, regeneratively grown foods and products. I see them as votes for my health; a more vibrant, sustainable local economy; and for the health of the soil on which we depend.

But what about other areas of maintaining and navigating life? What do our purchases of clothing, household goods, and such say about the world we want to live in? What do they say about the degree of care, fairness, and economic justice we want for workers in the world? About our care for the environment and our planet? About our tolerance and acceptance of war and violence? What do our investments say about these issues?

In asking questions such as these, I awaken to my complicity in how the world is. It’s easier to blame others for the world’s multiple crises. I wonder whose interests are served by our finger-pointing divisiveness? Do we want to live in a world of blame with each side aiming to punish the other in endless cycles of war? What choices might I be making that unknowingly support the terrible suffering that the world of blame and separation create?

I find in these questions a deep spiritual essence. Questions that are integral to raising my level of consciousness and to clearly align my daily choices with the values which I claim are important to me.

The choices go far beyond economic choices of course. We choose to smile or not. To be patient with another or not. To be generous, kind. To listen deeply. To be curious. To be willing to learn. And more. Every thought, word, deed is a choice - a vote for how we want our world to be.

What world are you voting for in the choices you make today?

In the Woods …



Vulnerability - Are We Willing?

Nature’s Art on the Trail

When you become vulnerable, any ideal of perfect image you may have had of yourself falls away. Many people are addicted to perfection and in their pursuit of the ideal they have no patience with vulnerability. They close off anything that might leave them open to the risk of hurt. … With the revelation of corruption in so many political and religious domains, our perception of ideals has become tinged with cynicism. Yet no society can endure without the sense of honour, dignity and transcendence enshrined in its set of ideals. John O’Donohue

Writing in my journal several days ago I found my thoughts wander to the current array of political theatrics in the United States. ‘How do they get away it?’ I wondered, ‘they’ not being limited to a single political party or group, rather many elected officials and those who serve them. The ways of politics have become habitual rather than thoughtful, and we have become accustomed to ignoring them or watching as if they are entertainment. Disengaged. Enraged.

The journal stream ended with these words: Beyond blaming the other, we must face ourselves.

Reading O’Donohue’s words early this morning by the fire, the stream came back. It continued: And to face ourselves requires that we become vulnerable.

The absence of our openness to vulnerability breeds fundamentalism, self-righteousness, blame, and hard-heartedness. We fight and die to stave off the threat of being vulnerable.

Opening to vulnerability nurtures an open heart, compassion, curiosity, understanding, forgiveness, and creativity. Vulnerability is a pathway to peace.

What does vulnerability ask of us? What doors might more willingness to become vulnerable open for us, individually and collectively?

I’m reminded of an essay Charles Eisenstein posted earlier this week (click here to read) sharing the story of Raquel who dared to take a peaceful stand around a contentious, divisive issue and the stages she traveled to arrive at that place. I invite you to read it with an open heart and open mind, for surely like me, you find yourself on one side or the other of the issue she faced.

What if our political leaders could exhibit Raquel’s level of maturity, thoughtfulness, willingness to be vulnerable as they address issues of war? How can we create and hold this space, this possibility for them to step into? Are willing to step into this space ourselves? Are we willing to invite them?

O’Donohue’s words opened me to possibility. They point to the tricky, challenging path that making peace requires. Moving beyond blame to face ourselves and our shortcomings (past and present), forgiving ourselves and others. All for the sake of peace.

Simply asking the questions helped me shift from the anger, sadness, and disbelief at the continued war-mongering choices of my country’s leadership that I woke with this day. No matter what the question, war is not the answer. Love is.  Am I willing to step into the vulnerability of that? Are we?      

The Ziggurat on a Hazy Morning



Imagination-Creating Possibility in the Unthinkable

Autumn Mountain Morning

The imagination is capable of kindness that the mind often lacks … it does not engage in things in a cold, clear-cut way but always searches for the hidden words that wait at the edge of things. The mind tends to see things in a singularly simple, divided way: there is good and bad, ugly and beautiful. The imagination, in contrast, extends a greater hospitality to whatever is awkward, paradoxical or contradictory. … The imagination is always more loyal to the deeper unity of everything. It has patience with contradiction because there it glimpses new possibilities. And the imagination is the great friend of possibility. …this is what beauty is: possibility that enlarges and delights the heart. John O’Donohue Beauty-The Invisible Embrace

In the midst of the unthinkable, of horrors and hatred, of rancor and disrespect, turning from mind to heart offers a doorway of passage into a field of brighter possibilities.

Earlier this week I was given an opportunity to imagine the future, my future, three years out. The conversation inspired me to reflect more deeply on what a world of unity, peace, compassion, and integrity look like. How would we/I be in our responses to today’s multiple crises and violence? How would our leaders BE and what choices would they make in a world truly committed to peace? How might we shift?

The following day Charles Eisenstein shared his thoughts on those very questions (click here to watch). His answer in short: forgiveness, shifting from blame and revenge to forgiveness and seeking to understand. Not an easy or simple path, as any of us who have been ‘wronged’ and sought to forgive another know from our experience. Yet might we dare to allow our hearts to dream what our minds will surely declare is ‘impossible’?

In the midst of the unthinkable, of horrors and hatred, of rancor and disrespect, turning from mind to heart offers a doorway of passage into a field of brighter possibilities. Can we imagine a different future than where the arc of history seems headed? Dare we dream and endeavor to bring such dreams into reality, creating sacred spaces and fields of possibility?

I’m reminded of Rumi’s wise words:

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there.

Even in the comfort and relative safety of home it is not always easy to imagine such a bright future. Life’s daily details and our habitual keeping up with today’s dramas, horrors, and predictions of the next scary thing may trap us in dead-end, worn out thinking and lead us to forget our power to imagine and call forth a different future.

Yet imagine a new world we must. Seeking those whose ideals resonate with ours and joining them in community to call forth and create the new. Creating new pathways and ways of being and doing right where we are.

Moment to moment we choose where to focus our attention, where to devote our precious life energy. What might be possible if, beyond our compassion and empathy, our sorrow and grief, we tapped into the kindness of the imagination to dream a future where we’ve grown our capacity to listen (deeply listen) to one another along with our willingness to engage in this way. Where we have the capacity to forgive past deeds (our own as well as those of others) and to imagine and create a new world together. And then to trust that such a world is possible even when that seems not so and despite history’s evidence to the contrary. How much beauty can we imagine?

To be sure, I have work to do. Let’s dance!

The Portal on Cordial
