Cozy Fire to Chase the Morning Chill Away
There are days in life when you just need to pull the covers over your head … Gregge Tiffen
Early this morning after settling in by the warming fire I found myself challenged to focus on writing this week’s Pivot. The week has been eventful. Body, mind, and spirit active, with insights, curiosities, and musings to share. Yet none drew me in or pointed to ‘this’ as a focus.
As I sat, I felt deep sadness for the turmoil and suffering in the world – globally and right here in my community. I was present to adjustments I’m making to support Zadie Byrd in health challenges typical for senior canines and to my own process of recovery still underway several weeks after a fall.
As I wondered ‘Yes, but what about today’s post?’, Muse popped in and reminded me of Gregge’s words. Words heard long ago that have stayed with me as guidance on days when I’ve simply felt ‘off’. Words that remind me of the importance of rest, so often forgotten in our culture where doing and accomplishing often reign supreme.
And so, this day while I’m not pulling the covers over my head, I am pivoting to rest. Body needs time of minimal activity to heal its inflamed rotator cuffs. Mind and Spirit need reflection and integration time to dance with the deep changes underway – personally and cosmically.
Muse says we’ll be back next week and invites you to enjoy these quotes [compiled by Jennifer Healey in a 2019 blog post] about the benefits of rest and to assess your own need for rest at this intense time.
Real rest feels like every cell is thanking you for taking care of you. It’s calm, not full of checklists and chores. It’s simple: not multitasking; not fixing broken things. Jennifer Williamson
When you rest, you catch your breath and it holds you up, like water wings… Anne Lamott
Your commitment to your wellness is part of the revolution. Danielle LaPorte
Early Morning Sky