Soft Grass in the Morning Light
Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don’t open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. Jelaluddin Rumi
Waking not frightened but feeling empty this morning, I recalled this Rumi verse that I’d read a few days back. So, I didn’t grab a pen and open my journal, my version of the morning door opening to the study. The instrument I took down was not musical. I grabbed my walking stick and headed out the front door.
I found the earth soft and moist, and the grasses were glistening from last evening’s rain. Rock beings, shining after the overnight shower, seemed to be singing along with the many active, vocal winged ones.
Steeped in the visual, sensory beauty of early morning in the foothills of the sacred Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the emptiness lifted. I felt full of life and with curiosity about what would emerge in this post, the first of my 12th year of weekly postings. Soft and bright like the verdant grasses at first light. Grateful. One with all that is. I am that, I am!
A bit further along, rounding a corner and seeing an overturned container and garbage strewn about, my near-bliss softness instantly turned as prickly as thorns on the cactus that grows alongside the grasses and wildflowers. ‘Wake up people, this is bear country!,’ was the kindest thought I could muster. I bristled as I snapped a photo to send to the absentee owner of the house that’s rented as an Airbnb. … And then…
… Then I remembered what I know: that I am One with ALL that is. Even those whose choices and judgement I do not align with or understand. How might our world be if we all learned to ‘live with the bears’ whatever their form? How might my life be …?
I find myself invigorated by carrying such questions. There is heart-felt beauty in discovering the pivots necessary so that I may live more fully aligned with this Truth that I am one with All that IS. With my fellow humans – each and every one. With all of Nature’s creatures – including those I experience as pesky and that I may desire to control. With the weather in all its expressions and with Gaia and her diverse forms of expression and communication. With unseen life above and below. With planets, stars, galactic beings – all the elements of the cosmos and beyond.
And that is how this 12th year of The Pivot begins, much as year 11 ended with last week’s post. The message isn’t new. The thread of our interconnectedness with one another, Nature, and cosmos has been woven into many posts since The SuccessZone began, August 15, 2013.
But in this pivotal time, the theme of pivoting from separation to Oneness, is emerging as my personal trajectory as well as the purpose and direction of my writing and presence in the world. It is time that we ReMember. And it is time that we kiss the ground as we embody this remembrance that we are All One. It is time to seek out, play with, and support those who are building this new world. Let’s do this!
Thanks for being with me on the journey!
Prickly Cacti