Sacred Places - Blanca Peak and the Ziggurat

When fear is used to control us, love is how we rebel! Zadie Byrd Gray (fictional character in The Dandelion Insurrection by Rivera Sun)

We CAN leap forward into new ways of being, higher frequencies, and levels of consciousness. We CAN leap to love! Will we?

On this early morning before ‘Leap Day’, sitting quietly by the fire early and breathing deeply with attention on my heart, I returned to a practice that I’d first done many years ago. Breathe in Love; Breathe out Gratitude. Or was it Breathe in Gratitude; Breathe out Love? In and out, love and gratitude, gratitude and love intertwined in the dance of life. Leaping to love, step by step.

Over many years the practice has deepened my trust and expanded my capacity to accept the abundant unknowns and uncertainties in life. It was particularly useful when I found myself in financial stress, not knowing how I’d pay the rent coming due all too soon. A guide to remembering my true Source in this infinitely abundant universe. A pivot from angst and fear to love. A leap in my life.

And it’s useful today as I become present to the deep concern and, yes even fear, that I carry about the future. The future of this country that is my home. The future of our world. The future of humanity. As old systems falter and fail under the weight of the outmoded paradigm of separation, will we leap to co-create new systems founded and grounded in the truth of the Oneness of all life? Will we leap to respect All Life? Or will we try to remodel and remain in the darkness, fear, and competition that inhabit the house of separation and scarcity?

A favorite quote from Rivera Sun’s prescient novel, The Dandelion Insurrection, came to mind. When fear is used to control us, love is how we rebel.

The messages of fear projected by those who claim to be leaders are all too abundant, drowning out the abundant acts of love and care that are part and parcel of everyday life. Our care for family, friends, and beloved animal companions. Our connections with Nature, listening and responding to the voice of Gaia. Respecting, loving, and caring for her. Our coming together in community to co-create desired futures. Our laughter and sincere smiles. Our giving with no expectation of return. Our deep listening to one another, including those with whom we disagree.

These and so many, many more are leaps of love, acts of rebellion to counter the fear that divides us. Small steps on the trail to a big leap that I have no doubt we can make to create a world that works for All Life. We CAN leap forward into new ways of being, higher frequencies, and levels of consciousness. We CAN leap to love!

Will we?

A Visit from Coyote
