Snow! Blessed BE the Snow!
The world needs our light. And so do we!
As I was lighting candles on my altar this snowy morning, a felt sense from deep within washed over me: ‘the world needs our light.’ Whose light? Was this the Muse gently nudging my morning exploration, prompting the focus of today’s post?
I’ve only recently begun to light more than one small candle each morning and to be intentional about my purpose for each. Why do I light this green candle? For the health and well-being of all beings, including the planetary being; sometimes including the healing journey of an individual who has made that request. The yellow? Protection. The white? Purity and love. And, on I went for a few brief moments until seven candles were lit. Hand over heart, I thanked the light. Grateful for the ritual that’s replaced what had become my mindless ’habit’ of lighting a single candle.
Grateful too for the inspirations and insights that come when mindless habit gives way to awareness, to ritual, to intention. Isn’t ‘this’ the light our world longs for with its often-silent tears as well as its not so silent cries? Mindfulness. Awareness. Purposefulness. In each moment. Each smile. Each word. Each movement. Each choice made with clarity, purpose, awareness. And, with love.
I imagine the Muse smiling. I’m certain they get some credit for my shift, although I know that in Muse-land there is none of the ego’s need for scorekeeping. That’s how life is in the unseen world, the other side of the veil where I’m certain the Muse resides (if indeed Muse has ‘residence’ in a ‘place’).
Just before my candle ritual (and after getting a warming fire going in the stove), I’d opened the computer to check the weather forecast since the ‘heavy’ snow of yesterday’s forecast brought only about three inches. I was curious (and hopeful!) – is there more? ‘Yes’ says our local weather tracker.
While getting to the weather site, my eyes landed on an email from a colleague/friend across the pond. Its subject line was the name of an esteemed coaching colleague. Sensing the content, I took a quick look, a look that confirmed his sudden passing earlier this week. A breath taken, I sent a short note to my friend, knowing that it was time for our voices to connect.
Complete with that, I felt a nudge to revisit a poem read several days ago. Following that nudge led me to the prolific poet’s post from yesterday, the day of a new moon. I found it a profound and beautiful reminder that the light of love is always present and that light is to be shared.
At the Dark of the Moon
As you unfold your wet wings,
dear vulnerable one,
the moon rests from our gaze;
she, also, tender,
At the dark of the moon,
the sun still shines
on the side of her we cannot see.
You, too, earthling,
receive the light of love
even when you are blind to it.
Here, take mine,
now when you have what you need.
When it’s someone else’s turn
to swim in the frightening Dark,
you can offer yours,
you can pass it on,
the invisible and real
light of love
from the other side
of the beautiful moon.
Yesterday, February 1, was also the Chinese New Year (fare-the-well Ox. Welcome year of the Tiger!) and Imbolic, the Celtic celebration of Brigid. Each in their unique ways, celebrations of light and of nature. Reminders indeed that, yes, there IS much to celebrate in life. Celebration is light!
On this auspicious day of ‘twos’ – 2-2-2022 – let us double our light wherever we go, we stay, we BE. For we, each of us, you and me, need our light. Not in denial or avoidance of darkness, but to its counterpoint and opening to transforming darkness into light. This day my light will shine with snow shovel in hand … the morning’s three inches have grown to six or more. Big, beautiful flakes continue to fall. Blessed BE the Light and Blessed BE the Snow!
Cordially, Cheerfully Yours from the Snowy Neighborhood …