It's hard to imagine that sometimes I walk with little awareness of the beauty I am so blessed to live in.
In an all intelligent universe, a thinking universe, there’s a total thought process as a permeating thought force thinking all the time. Perhaps we don’t think at all but, as one cell of the universe, we individualize the thought process. We isolate a moment in infinity. This provides us with two avenues: one avenue is total omnipotence and the other avenue is individualization that is part of total omnipotence that each of us takes and identifies individually. Gregge Tiffen (Open Secrets: One Original Thought - September, 2011)
As I begin writing this morning, I’m desiring to complete my post efficiently so that I can indulge in watching Pope Francis address Congress and then discover just how silly our elected officials and those who are running for office can be in their post event pandering.
I wasn’t thinking that the Pope and his visit would be a part of my post. Yet, as I reflected on the above quote, I realized that in watching a bit of the pageantry yesterday I’d observed someone who danced seamlessly between, perhaps who has the capacity to merge, those two avenues: omnipotence and individualization. In my observation, the Pope would seem to be that omnipotence (or, perhaps, to have it flowing through him) as he looked, wide angle, seeing and blessing all. The next moment he had a laser focus on a single individual and his interaction with that person.
Of course I can’t know what Pope Francis was experiencing, but I sensed that he was totally present in each and every moment. And, I saw the joy that seems to bring him. Joy that I too know when I am totally present, especially present in the beauty of nature.
That observation brings me back to my experience this week, where I’ve been observing my thoughts and noticing patterns that don’t serve me. I tend to dwell on events (especially those that weren’t as I desired them to be), carrying them and overworking them in my head. I think about what I might have said or done differently and replay that scenario, not once or twice, but over and over. I’m reminded that I have a choice and that I, and I alone, can stop the cycle and direct my thoughts differently.
I’ve also noticed some ‘monkey mind’. You know, flitting from thought to thought with no focus, intention or clarity. They flow just like scenes from multiple movies strung together with no story line. They’re exhausting. And, totally within my (response)ability to manage.
In awe of the beauty and vastness of the San Luis Valley - my view when I'm not looking at the mountains. More gratitude!
I’ve been practicing just that on my morning walks, putting attention on a single sense with the intention of creating awareness of just that. On a crisp morning, I may start with the feel of the cool air on my face and try to keep my attention there. I say ‘try to’, because I notice just how easily mind wanders. Sometimes I have the presence to gently nudge it back quickly. Other times this awareness comes more slowly. Practice is the key to deepening my awareness and sharpening my ability to make mindful choices as I individualize each moment in the infinity that is life.
A post speech note: I find much to reflect on in this Pope’s message, perhaps fodder for a future post. Color me grateful. And, Luke would like to let you know "I'm back!" We've navigated and eliminated the itch and he's back on duty as the official greeter here at Dragonfly House.
Happy for the healing!