Morning Light in the Woods
I know it's way too Utopian to think we will all ever just hug and love each other- but proactively dealing with hate could be as important to the future as clean water. Bobby Sagar
The sky lightens earlier and earlier each morn as Mother Earth moves toward the Summer Solstice in less than two weeks. Warmer weather has arrived here in the Sangres bringing the blessing of cool evenings and crisp, cool mornings. Nature’s air-conditioning.
Just as I do as winter settles in, I remember the patterns and adjustments needed for the season: windows open at dawn, closed as the sun rises over the peaks and shines in the woods, open in the evening cool, close at bedtime lest bear feels invited in. Cycles. Adjustments. Patterns. Breaks. Life!
My investment in rest this week has returned an abundance of reflection and thought time. Cycles of light and dark have been part of that reflection. Knowing that each and every day when one part of Mother Earth is in darkness, another part is in light. The light expands in summer and contracts in winter. Consistency.
We experience this cycle 365 days a year. I’ve experienced it 26,349 times during this sojourn on the planet, far too many of those cycles unconsciously, even grudgingly. Especially in my young adult years waking to the annoying ringing of an alarm clock (remember those?). Ugh! Another day already? Do I really have to get up? In those years too few mornings were met with the tingles of gratitude, wonder, and curiosity I experience today.
Though different, my gratitude and wonder these days is reminiscent of the wonder and excitement I remember as a child. Excited to explore and discover what treasures and treasured experiences awaited, I was the first kid in the neighborhood to be awake and outside on summer mornings. I didn’t have an awareness of gratitude in those early years; perhaps my joy was sufficient.
Pen pauses. Muse has taken me on an unexpected turn in this reflective flow, but perhaps a worthy turn it is. In the morning cool and quiet I wonder how it relates to the week’s experiences and other reflections such as acknowledging the darkness in events around the globe without being overwhelmed by them.
Honoring my deep desire to be a point of light that attracts other light while maintaining my balance and sovereignty, I remember that everything is magnified by the Universe without distinguishing what we think of as good or bad. Everything. Every thought. Every word. Every deed. I experience a moment of sadness, regret for mindless words spoken to a friend when I was irritated recently and for feeling irritated itself. It’s a strong reminder to pause, to breath before speaking.
Muse smiles and reminds me about my reaction yesterday to a new structure being built nearby that seems quite out of place and character in our neighborhood and community, both its physical appearance and intended us. I think about the trees sacrificed in the name of generating a high return on investment. No regard for Nature. No regard for community and community needs. I’ve been there in that profit only mindset. I’m pivoting to a new understanding and finding new investment vehicles for the resources I have access to. (Hmm … another unexpected turn from Muse in this morning consciousness stream.)
Gently I return to the new structure, thinking about the challenge to speak my concerns from non-judgement, non-violence, and love, putting my attention on my care for Nature and the nature of our community. I wonder if there is cause to rally neighbors in protest. How might we do so with love? And, how will I stay in my center, not getting caught in the flurry of a word storm or contributing to it, while standing in and speaking my truth?
This I sense is what we are being called to do as world chaos intensifies and the old breaks down to make way for the new. How will we invest our energy to generate returns in the form of a new world, higher consciousness, a world that works for all? How will I? How will we begin to see and understand our complicity in each of the day’s pressing issues – micro/community and macro/global - without losing heart and hope and with an eye toward making individual pivots toward that better world? How will I? How will we learn to value ALL life and reflect that value in our daily choices? How will I?
Blessing the Feeding of the Mother Pinon Pine