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Rest! Sleep! Heal! THIS is important NOW!

The Muse refuses to engage this morning, instructing that I follow the guidance above, received loud and clear yesterday morning and again this morning. Thank you, Muse!

What’s your response (reaction??) when your body is experiencing symptoms that need your attention? You know, pain that’s beyond the stiffness or soreness that most of us experience from time to time, an injury, or a disturbance in some internal system function like a cold, digestive upset, etc.

Do you respond by pushing through as part of me very much wanted to do today, taking some form of medication – natural or chemical – so you can keep going with the plans or demands of your day?

Or do you pause, ask your body ‘what’s up?’ and ‘what do you need?’, then do your best to follow that guidance?

My guess is that most of us make choices that span both ends of this spectrum. At times we may even employ the ‘ignore and push through strategy’. Hopefully, we consciously consider the situation and make a clear, conscious choice. Or we hear the body’s ‘voice’ giving us a signal that we ignore at our own peril.

That’s where I find myself today, the body clearly calling on me to rest and allow the source of discomfort in my neck and shoulders to heal.  So, the body and the Muse have this day, and …

… Body willing, Mind, Spirit and Muse will converge right here again next week to explore whatever seems pivotal for our attention. Hopefully, we’ll engage yours as well.

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