Sleeping Dogs Allow Healing …
… Real healing is, however, another matter. As with all great arrivals in the soul, it comes from a direction that we often could neither predict nor anticipate. John O’Donohue
I settled in to write early this chilly morning. Body warmed by a fire in the stove. Heart warmed by Zadie Byrd sleeping nearby. Happy to be easing back into my patterns 12 days into healing from the wounds received when Zadie was attacked, I listened and picked up my pen as Muse welcomed me back with a curious flow.
We treat life as something that begins and ends, yet life is a continuum from one vehicle to the next – formless coming to form then morphing again like the butterfly cycling from caterpillar inching its way on the ground, in a bush, to a twig before BEcoming a winged one flying above it all, across continents.
Can the caterpillar imagine the wonder as it participates in this blessed process of deeply living, fulfilling its purpose from the seed planted within?
What if we too would live more simply into our human purpose aligned with The Mother who birthed us, beloved Gaia? What if we stopped trying so hard to dominate and allowed the care of dominion to guide our choices? What if we truly listened to our hearts in the quiet harmony of nature removed from the cacophony of noise generated by our self-proclaimed ‘progress’ and ‘civil’ society?
We have lost so much in our human quest to conquer and colonize. Squeezing sacred tradition grounded through the ages in Universal truth and deep connection to Gaia and the stars from those whose ways were different in their deep connection to and understanding of the web of wholeness that is life, the Cosmos.
As I write, Zadie Byrd continues her peaceful sleep nearby. She knows how to allow healing, inside and out. During these days her deep rest has reminded me that my healing needs the same. Some days I listen to her silent voice and follow her lead. Others my human habit of ‘doing’ pulls me from the task at hand: allowing body and spirit to heal.
What’s needed in this allowing seems to come so easily to my canine companion. I’m learning what ‘doing’ is necessary for our health, well-being, and comfort. And I’m learning what tasks can be set aside.
I’m present to how very much our animal companions give us, especially their gracious willingness to receive our love and care. They allow us to show our love, and they receive it with a groundedness that reflects how life could be on our planet.
Observing Zadie Byrd’s grace and clarity about what she’s needed (AND what she didn’t need!) to support her healing opened me to receive support in ways I haven’t opened to before, allowing healing to accelerate and, I believe, deepen.
I pause, thinking/asking Muse ‘So?’ ‘So what?’ comes the quick reply. ‘Do you really need more to wrap this in some profound, clever way? Or, can you allow it to dangle – complete for now, but knowing that, as in life, more will follow?’
I smile, realizing that today’s beginning is yesterday’s end. Grateful for the reminder that real healing is much like life: a process of discovery with no beginning, no end simply going with its flow.