Radical self-care is quantum and radiates out into the atmosphere like a little fresh air. Anne Lamott

This blog day I’m pivoting to deep self-care, mostly in the form of deep rest, Chinese herbs, and nourishing food so that a visiting cold bug will not linger. I may also watch again a beautiful film that I a colleague recently shared: Human. I hope you’ll watch – click here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uog4eCZTUX4&t=33s

I was moved by the visual beauty, the music, and experienced a number of emotions as the stories unfolded. My soul felt nourished and awakened to some deeper understanding of humanity, our humanness, and the range of our life experiences.

I was moved to learn more about the film maker and the making of the film in 2015. In doing so I found this moving quote from the artist:

I am a human being among seven billion others. For 40 years, I have photographed our planet and human diversity and I feel that Humankind has not moved forward. We cannot live together yet.

It is in their faces, in their gazes, in their words that I now see a strong way to plunge into the depth of the human soul. Each human interaction makes you move forward. Each life story is unique. By plunging into the experience of the Other, I felt the urge to understand.

And in the end, what is a human being today?

What is the meaning of human life?

Are our differences so great?

Don’t we share more values ​​than we think?

I felt the urge to ask all these questions, to speak about Humankind. A crazy, utopian bet. With my team, we started our quest with great humility and restraint. For two years we travelled across 50 countries, shot more than 2000 interviews... we travelled to meet with Others. There were those who talked and especially those who never talked before. Those who told their life stories for the first time.

By placing at the heart of the movie the evils of Humankind: poverty, war, migration, homophobia, I made choices. Committed, political ​​choices. People told me all sorts of things: from their difficulty to grow, to love, to happiness. It is all this wealth of human expression, which is the heart of 'HUMAN', and which resonates with the images of the beauty of the world.

This movie brings the voice of all men and women who told me their life story. It is has become their messenger. I made the movie I dreamt of, my greatest wish is the everyone takes hold of it in their own way, organize screenings and become Ambassadors for Living Together. Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Indeed, may we each live as an ‘ambassador for living together’ …
