Discovering Beauty in the Wood is One Reason I LOVE to Stack!
You are to live here with a sense of the planet and you as a vital unit because, in effect, you are that vitality. Nature will not sit back and allow you to set it aside like a poor relation with you living in isolation from it. Pay Attention! … Your body is nature, and nature is you. Your consciousness is the Universe, and the Universe is you. There is no separation between nature and you. Gregge Tiffen (The Language of a Mystic: Completion – September 2009)
Yesterday evening as my normal ‘Tuesday curiosity’ began to explore and wonder about this week’s focus, the Muse reminded me that last year Zadie Byrd and I were on the road home from our two-month journey to handle my cousin Marty’s affairs. I was also reminded that I simply skipped writing and posting that week.
This week I’m focused on the final details of closing Marty’s estate, organizing my personal affairs, stacking my supply of firewood for the winter, coordinating the final phase of installing the solar system, consulting with my ‘Zadie Care Team’ about some challenges Zadie is presenting, preparing for a visit from a dear friend, and several other projects.
Amidst these activities, I’m deeply aware of and in touch with nature – both through Zadie Byrd as nature’s ‘in-house’ representative and through an ongoing dialog with the ‘woods out back’. As such, I’ve given the Muse the day off and invite you to enjoy these recent photos of the beautiful, sacred place that I’m blessed to call my home.
Then, I invite you to spend as much time outdoors in nature as you can. Be still. Listen to the earth, the trees, the birds. Pay attention to the nature that is you. Invite nature to guide you in navigating life.
Late Blooming Columbine Greets the Day
New Growth on a Small Log Cut Last Summer … Is Our Nature Amazing? Or What?
The Stacking Begins …
… And Another Spiral is Complete!