Angel’s Wing …

Between every two pine trees is a doorway to a new world. John Muir

So many pines. So many possible new worlds. What worlds will we create? I wonder …

Winter’s grip is easing after a week of snow, sub-freezing, record-breaking low temperatures. I too still feel winter’s interior pull. Not yet ready to ‘spring’ into action, I hold on to the quiet solitude that is a favorite winter experience.

As I move more firewood in for the hearth, I imagine just below the surface of the soil dormant plants and grasses beginning to stir and to think of sending green shoots into the visible world. Soon they will pop here as they have already done in less harsh environs.

These plant beings like the bears that will soon stir out of hibernation will enter a world that may look like the one they left behind months ago when they retreated to their underworld. Likewise, the woods out back where I sauntered earlier this morning seem as they were before winter’s cold grip.

But the world they are waking to has changed. They too have changed. Change, visible and not, is a constant. Speaking of this nature of change, a wise sage once told me, “you cannot walk through a doorway without creating change.” Sometimes we forget how subtle change can seem and how every change ripples out through all the world.

Today I sense a different quality to change than that of a year or so ago. I sense change is deeper, wider, faster than most of us have experienced in our lifetimes. It’s easy fall into the trap of thinking that change is happening to us. Muse nods in agreement, adding that more humans are waking to how and what our choices contribute to change, to the shape and character of the world.

While many are waking to and embracing new doorways, new possibilities for creating a world beyond the world of separation where we live into the truth that there is no ‘other’, some cling to the so-called security and comfort that separation, differentiation, and win/loose competition.

Yet the doors between the pines in the woods invite us to listen to Nature’s ways of living in harmony. Indeed all of Nature invites us to listen, to discover her ways, her truths. The rivers invite us to explore flow. The oceans ebb and flow with the moon. The stone beings hold deep memory for us to tap into, and the plant beings offer nourishment and an opportunity to more align with Mother Earth’s seasons.

Muse gently pulls me back to choices, to the thoughts and actions about where our attention goes and to the importance of aligning those choices with doors to the world we want to create, the world we want to engage in. What do we care about? What are we committed to? Are those the focus of my attention? My actions? My choices?

Rigor in our thinking and aligning what we speak and the actions we take with our beliefs requires attention, commitment, and care. These are the keys to open the doors to new worlds, co-creating with Creation and cooperating with one another each step of the way. This is being the change we want to see in the world.

Resting In the Doorways

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