“Animals are here as companions and stabilizers. Having a direct connection to the earth, they serve the important function of being able to ground and stabilize our energies by taking our excess energy and feeding it back to the earth. They – along with plants – absorb a lot of negative energy. As we nurture and care for them, they leave us calmer in the midst of our sometimes chaotic incarnate experience. ”
A mid-summer trip to the Great Sand Dunes nearby.
No I’m taking ‘leave’ from this weekly post. It is, after all, one of my sweetest ‘to dos’, and I treasure the process and the energy each and every week. Luke, however, is on leave from one his very favorite things: official greeter here at Dragonfly House. It seems that something zapped his immune system, and he is in allergy hell and the likelihood that he’s also contracted tiny mites.
In the midst of keeping a number of important balls in the air, ‘Lukie care’ has been a primary activity over the last several weeks. In addition to our vet recommended medication, I’ve chosen to direct a fair amount of energy to his care. A naturopath friend guided me in creating a protocol to ease his discomfort and move the healing along more quickly. The energy of giving that care, plus being watchful to intervene when he scratches, licks or bites has deepened my appreciation for all caregivers and the for the caregiver in each of us.
His condition and the care that I’m giving have given me pause for reflection and taken me back to Gregge Tiffen’s writing about our relationship to nature.
In my reflection, I’m deeply aware of how calming my time caring for Luke has become. I say ‘has become’, because in the first week, I was feeling frantic and overwhelmed (not the energy I would choose to bring to healing). Luke though, ever the teacher, is his ever calm, ever steady self. He lies peacefully as I apply homemade essential oil ointment. He doesn’t fight being in the ‘cone zone’. He’s a true model of trusting and receiving.
Cool Hand Luke Skywalker continues to teach me new lessons in patience and love. While he may be healing and on leave from his job as ‘Chief Welcoming Officer’, Luke and all the animals are always on duty as an element of nature in service to humankind. Our world is more perfect than we know and, perhaps, than we have the capacity to accept. And, I am grateful for their service.
Life in the 'Cone Zone'.