Young Big Horn Sheep - Rio Grande National Monument - Keynote: Seeking new beginnings.

This blog morning emerges as one to be brief in words as I emerge from four days immersed in friendship, celebration, exploration, and adventure in the beauty of the high mountains of Northern New Mexico.

I walked through many doorways – inside and out – on this shared journey with friends, my first away from home travel in almost four years.

No doubt much will emerge from the adventures of this journey, a reminder that we each have the potential to create ‘heaven on Earth’ wherever we are by our level of consciousness, the frequency we bring to the experience, and the clarity of our intention and vision.

Seeds planted in the conversations and our individual reflections of this Heavenly Retreat will emerge in many ways and forms I reflect on the experiences and consider questions such as What is the message of the baby Big Horn sheep who posed on the rim of the Rio Grande River Canyon with it’s keynote, seeking new beginnings, and the Ram is the mascot of my zodiac sign?’ So today I simply want to share a few images of encounters offered up by Mother Earth and her blessed creations that will guide my reflections.

What about you? What represents Heaven on Earth to you? How does this guide you in life’s choices each day?

Wild Turkeys of Heavenly Retreat - Keynote: Shared Blessings and Harvest

Confluence of the Red and Rio Grande Rivers - What streams in my life want to merge?

Magical, Mystical Leaning Pine - What other wisdom does she have to impart?
