The Blessing of Morning Mountain Snow
Since last week’s post on embracing the mystery, resistance has been top of mind and heart. As my day has began to unfold and attention placed on what to share, I peeked within at my own resistance to change while holding a heartfelt desire for change within and change without. That, I suppose, is the nature of paradox and of life in this chaotic time. It is my personal experience these days.
In this time while we each walk our individual walks, it is important to remember that every thought, word and deed ripples into the collective. Robert Kennedy, an early political hero of mine, whose assassination I watched unfold in the summer of 1968, said it well.
Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Robert Kennedy
May I be ripple for love in the world. Love of humanity. Love of all beings on the planet. Love of the cosmos. Love of Life.
There is an aspect of trauma in which we are all intertwined, whether with awareness or not. Whether in this lifetime or accumulated from our past. I find myself in this soup today with a desire to know, to learn, to release and heal. For me, this inner exploration is an act of resistance, as it is sourced in curiosity and love and counters the fear mongering that I observe as I look out at the chaotic landscape.
At the same time, our times invite us to action in that landscape. To nonviolently resist the oppression we witness around the globe and right here at home in the United States. To co-create a new landscape in community with others that is fair, just, regenerative, and honoring of all Life. If, like me, you find the ways of the world’s systems today, not reflective of the world you want, then I invite you to explore avenues of resistance and change.
I find inspiration and ideas for resistance in Nonviolence News, edited my dear friend and author Rivera Sun. Her prescient series beginning with The Dandelion Insurrection is a worthy read for inspiration and hope. She weaves a story of resistance to what is with the co-creation of what can be, a tapestry for all Life.
In future Pivots, I’m aiming to share resources and discoveries in the domains of new systems of finance, community building, regenerative agriculture, and more, as this is where my heartfelt resistance seems to be calling me.
Meanwhile, it is (at least for me) helpful to remember that we are in the crucible of a new age, only a blip in what we call time as far as the cosmos is concerned. Even our home, dear Gaia, has been through such epochal changes before. And, likely, so have we.
For me personally, astrology supports me to navigate this time from a different perspective. I’ve long followed cycles of the moon and observed their impact on me. Today’s Full Moon is no different, and offers an opportunity to look at current events from a broader lens. Dr. Michael Lennox says it well about this day and this time.
We have entered the Age of Aquarius, leaving the unconscious Age of Pisces behind us. The forces that were able to forge a patriarchal world two thousand years ago are evolving out of existence. Aquarius is generating the next two-thousand-year Age, one in which Peace for Humanity reins, and all human beings are cared for. What we are experiencing now, especially in the United States, is an extinction grab. The masculine principle, terrified of its perceived demise, is generating a powerful explosion of effort to keep the old ways intact. But the old ways are already dead, and we must bridge the gap between the old world and the new. And we do that by each of us reaching for personal excellence (Leo), and sharing what we create with the world that needs what we have to offer (Aquarius). Dr. Michael Lennox
Discovering a new world view is another act of resistance. Let’s explore!
Mountain Morning Snow