fresh snow

Wherever you’ve added the word “but”, you have given yourself a major handle to identify what you are depending upon. Patrece on behalf of P-Systems,

A few weeks back, inspired by this quote in a lesson from the weekly series “The ABC’s of Awareness”,  I began to experiment with the idea of how the habit of using the word ‘but’ reveals dependency.

I’ve come to see ‘but’ as yet another clue to where we abdicate our personal power and step outside of the Universal law of independence.  From this awareness, we can step more fully back into our power to act (and interact) independently, which after all is our nature and our responsibility.

So, I began (and continue) to notice my ‘buts’, to consider what they reveal, and to explore what different, independent choices I have the opportunity to make:

  • I feel strongly guided to stop, be quiet, read, listen, but I need to (walk the dog, work on my website, make calls; that is, to do those things expected in business).
  • I want to develop this aspect of my business, but I don’t like how others approach it.
  • I want to travel to Costa Rica in February, but I can’t afford it.

I’m grateful for discovering what my ‘buts’ reveal:  I’m depending on being fulfilled by completing a ‘to do’ list, what other people think, and (one we all know well) money. There’s something powerful about noticing and acknowledging this.  Now let’s look at the choices I have from this awareness:

  • I choose to do the things on my list because I’m committed to consistent action in my business. OR, I choose honor this guidance to stop, be quiet, listen and trust that I will also take care of the other activities that need my attention. OR, I gather my energy and organize my time to choose both.
  • I notice my dependence on what others do and think and let it go, choosing to simply take the approach and action that is consistent with my design. OR, I choose not to develop this business.
  • I make the commitment to travel to Costa Rica, including the commitment to manifest the needed funds. OR, I decide that going to Costa Rica at this time isn’t in my best interest financially.

You probably notice that there’s not a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ choice. Simply, I have the choice to choose, observe the results, and choose again.  As I deepen this practice, I notice that when I articulate my choice clearly I feel empowered and supported in the direction I’ve chosen.  When I simply do one or the other, without declaring a clear choice, I feel a nagging angst, often wishing I was (or thinking I should be) doing the other.

Experiment for the Week:  Notice your own use of the word ‘but’ as well as where you hear it in your interactions with others.  What does it reveal you are depending upon? What opportunities does it present for choosing differently?
