Dawning Sangres
This Huston Smith quote (thank you Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service for your Daily Inspirations!) evoked a nod of agreement, a chuckle (as in yep), and a long sighing ugh! Its truth runs deep in me. I could even add to Smith’s list of institutions and systems that serve neither humanity nor the planet. (Were Smith alive today, he likely would as well.)
Decades ago, I withdrew from religion and (after some years of aimless wandering in the territory) I began to forge a spiritual journey that continues with unexpected twists and turns to this day. The journey – heck, I might even accurately call it a quest – has guided me in numerous ways, many of them away from what we call ‘mainstream’ beliefs, culture, institutions, and such.
I tend to see ‘things’ – indeed life – differently than most of what I observe in the mainstream and many with whom I’ve engaged. Years ago, a revered leader in coach training circles dubbed me a ‘contrarian’. I wear the badge proudly.
I’ve long had the ability to see ‘both’/all sides and to accept the paradoxes that result, though I find it harder in today’s polarized culture as the sides dig more deeply into their positions. Institutions, as they are constituted by people, suffer and are failing as a result of this polarization. We’ve lost willingness and capability on all sides to listen, learn, cooperate.
And so, as institutions fail and fail us, I seek to find my own way. Seeking guidance and advice from others whom I trust and with whom I feel an alignment of values, I find myself making decisions from the inside out. I always aim to choose from my heart (and being human, sometimes falling short). I call this way ‘innerdependence’, strength from within to move forward in life; trusting self over institutions; depending on self-knowing, guidance from within. (Dr. Google, Webster, and Word inform me there is no such word. Hmmm…well, there IS now.)
Speaking of now, about now you may be wondering ‘what does this have to do with institutions?’ (I was wondering too as Muse guided the pen across the page!). We’re glad you asked!
As my innerdependence and self-conviction have deepened, I have been nudged (and, sometimes, pushed) to pull away from supporting institutions of all flavors (government, corporate, economic, education, etc.). They are not only failing us – you and me – they are failing, unsustainable, many breathing/gasping for their last breaths. I’m choosing to envision and to discover systems that are sustainable and that recognize in their designs the interrelatedness of all life. Interdependent. Cooperative. Life valuing. Life enhancing. Life generating.
I am clear that the future I want to see emerge is not ‘more of the same with some tweaks that (maybe) make ‘it’ better’. I envision and, by my choices, I call a world that works for all as we each follow the inner knowing of our unique roles, purposes, and gifts. From that individual innerdependence, new systems and structures rise. They recognize and honor our interdependence with one another and with all life as well as the interconnectedness of all life – from the unseen and microscopic to Mother Earth herself and the vast universes beyond.
My dream is not just for some distant, imagined future, this world is emerging NOW, being built NOW in thousands (perhaps tens and hundreds of thousands … maybe millions) of initiatives. As I pull away from mainstream institutions I’m creating and opening doorways to discovering amazing initiatives underway to co-create this future. Local, regenerative food systems and agriculture. New, innovative investment vehicles designed to do good in the world. And much, much more.
As I explore and choose to plug in, I will be sharing these discoveries. Meanwhile, I invite you to reflect on where your time, energy, and money are plugged in? How are they supporting the future YOU want to see in our world? For yourself? For the generations to come? For humanity and for our planet?
Evening Sky