Tashi Gomang Stupa overlooking the San Luis Valley
The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe. Albert Einstein
… prayers that we will remember who we are, the truth of our being, and that our being here, now will contribute to creating, sustaining, and maintaining the universe as a friendly place.
This blog day morning finds me empty of words, especially words with some modicum of wisdom to share. At the same time, I’m full. Filled with gratitude and an interesting flow in life. And I’m full of compassion, trust, heartache, joy, sadness, love, anger, and occasionally a pinch of angst. The soup of life with all its spices.
What words will come? When? I wonder as mind wanders exploring this sense of emptiness …
In the knowing that I am a mere fractal in the cosmos, one with all that is, ALL life, I feel a void in my connection with those living in what have become zones of horror – around the globe and right here at home. A void that is not empty of compassion, care, sadness, but rather the emptiness of feeling impotent in the face of such horrors. Heart aching for all that separates us from one another, from our wholeness. Our holiness.
And yet I am full. Filled in knowing that every breath I take with the vibration of love is an energetic contribution to the greater whole and to remembering that holiness. I’m full of life, of possibility, of seeds gestating as they await their time to sprout. I’m filled with joy as companion to the sadness, with curiosity that accompanies knowing, with care for self, for others, for all life.
I feel these extremes and polarities as I observe the world and even as I observe self. Empty and full. Emptying and filling. Fallow, sacred ground attuned to winter, yet feeling a toe in the water of spring.
Deep within, I trust that life is unfolding as it should in a universe that is kind as my heart aches for the suffering of all victims and perpetrators and for my own unconscious role as perpetrator. And I am prayerFULL that we will remember who we are, the truth of our being, and that our being here, now will contribute to creating, sustaining, and maintaining the universe as a friendly place.
May it be so!
Khenpo Karthar Stupa