Another beautiful sunrise in the Sangres
The minute you can get your gaze, your attitude, and your focus off someone or something you don’t like, the influence is gone. Will is the only tool you’ve got. Gregge Tiffen (Open Secrets: One Original Thought – September, 2011)
I don’t know anyone who isn’t experiencing shifting sands in some form or another. If not in our own personal experience then perhaps in someone close to us and most certainly in our society as a whole. Change is life.
I’m in the midst of some influences and experiences that I don’t like. They remind me that I’m not in control of them and that it is my choice to what extent they control me. That reminder is a gift.
They call on me to choose how I will apply and use my will. Where will I put my attention? How long will I dwell in the negative event, beating up myself and perhaps others with my thoughts? When will I put my gaze elsewhere?
Now, in this moment I shift my gaze. I didn’t get here as quickly as I would have liked. I inhabited the negativity of an event and opened the door to later events that seemed to pile on. I started the shift enjoying a glass of wine and conversation on the deck with a lovely B&B guest. I noticed how easily I could step into a conversation about what I love about where I live.
A bit later as I felt the negativity come creeping back in (okay, honestly it was rushing!) I reached for one of Gregge Tiffen’s September booklets, took a breath and asked ‘what do I need to see right now?’ Voila! My gaze landed on the above. The shift in my cells was palpable as the frequency of my energy began to shift. I also noticed how easily it slipped in that instant when my gaze didn’t have a clear focal point.
I read a bit more and shifted my thinking to this week’s post. That’s a luxury usually reserved for Thursday mornings, but I felt inspired by the words and the experience. Writing is a place to focus that shifts whatever is influencing me. And, selecting photos from this week’s stunning landscapes provided yet another soothing place to land my gaze. My will to shift the energy is taking root. The lightness I feel contrasts where I dwelt earlier in the day. With that lightness I feel gratitude and a hint that in this event the answer to a seemingly unrelated question is being revealed. How cool is that?
Memo to self: When shifting sands feel as if they are about to drown you, shift your gaze, your attitude, your focus and see what new frequency you can muster. Then, be tenacious in maintaining it.
One of several stunning sunsets this week.
Morning Moon