Reverence Unbound Informs and Inspires

Blanca Peak and the Great Sand Dunes provide background for Orisons Flying Rain Sandhill Crane sculptures.

I wanted to collaborate with all the living beings who were living there or passing through. The land is the artwork, and I wanted to celebrate it and every being on it, as well as reconnect it and all its inhabitants with their presents, pasts, and futures. Marguerite Humeau, Artist, Orisons (www.orisons.art)

Imagine for a moment (or linger longer) the possibilities that would emerge if each of us took such a reverential approach to co-creating our life experiences. How might we be informed and even inspired if we held each of our multiple environs reverently and collaborated with them? Our homes and the lands they occupy. Our places of work, of worship, of play. What if we celebrated all that is, all that has been, and all that is to be?

In the wake of attending the opening of the vast earthworks installation, Orisons, and hearing the artist and curator speak about their three-year collaboration to opening day, such questions have risen in me from a deeper place than I’ve experienced before. The questions feel both informed and inspired by the artist, Marguerite Humeau, and her deep reverence for the land – its present, its past, its future. I witnessed that reverence in the care and thoughtfulness of the 160-acre installation itself and in Humeau’s presentation to the opening day audience along with curator, Cortney Stell.

Humeau is a French artist who lives and has her studio in London. Her understanding of and reverence for land 4,700 miles from home is inspiring. Cortney Stell, Executive Director of the Denver-based Black Cube Nomadic Art Museum which commissioned the work, curated the installation.

My own reverence for the land, for the vast San Luis Valley, for Gaia and her beings continues to be fed by my Orisons experience, by possibilities rising, by questions that continue to emerge, by the very nature of reverence itself. Reverence, Muse gently reminds me, kindles curiosity.

There is a quieting, slowing that I experience when reverence rises. Noise and speed do not blend well with reverence. I wonder about the nature of reverence itself. I so want to say ‘herself’ as reverence feels very soft, feminine, much like Humeau and the strategically placed Orisons sculptures. This is in contrast to the outward, ruggedness of the land which the sculptures occupy.

Sandhill Crane Songs - One of 84 Orisons sculptures

I wonder how reverence can help us navigate life in this chaotic time when so much seems out of balance, out of sync with the wholeness that is life. What can I learn from visiting and contemplating this art? Might cultivating reverence inform us of how to live in greater alignment with one another and with our planetary home? How might reverence call forth the wholeness that is life?

What if we asked, as artist Humeau does, “How would it feel for us as humans to truly merge into the biosphere?” I taste, I sense a morsel of the answer when I saunter in the woods out back. I felt the possibility as I navigated prairie dog and kangaroo mouse burrows in the Orisons landscape on opening day. The land and its beings – present, past, future – have much to share. Will I learn to listen deeply enough to hear?

All too often we reserve reverence for that and those with whom we agree, those we love, things important to us – hardly reverence for ALL life. But what if we cultivated our capacity to feel reverence as deeply for the land we occupy, for Gaia herself, for ALL beings, ALL life as I experienced that Marguerite Humeau expresses in Orisons?

Indeed, what if …?

Horseweed Pendulum



Life As Sacred Tasks

Fearless Bunny

Where things are moving too quickly, nothing can stabilize, gather, or grow. John O’Donohue (Anam Cara)

The sacred isn’t speedy. And speedy isn’t sacred.

The saying “take time to smell the roses” comes to mind this morning as I settle in to write. This week I’ve been present to the times when I experience the sacred in the tasks of daily life and when those sacred tasks become unpleasant chores to be rushed through.

Sometimes I catch myself urging Zadie Byrd to ‘hurry up ... I’ve got things to do’. I’m more present to the doing and completing than to self, to soul, to this canine being and to the sacred task of care for another. In this state I miss noticing the bunnies, the hummers, the blooms.

I lose that coherence when I rush to ‘get things done’ rather than being present to each as a sacred task in support of life, a life that I love.

What is the cost of dismissing the mundane in our rush to check things off our ‘to do’ lists?

I thought about this one recent morning when I found myself rushing through opening windows upon rising. I became aware of unconsciously doing the daily task rather than being present to greeting the day. Moving from one window to the next, I failed to greet the mountains and acknowledge the woods. Did I even see them?

With this awareness, I paused and retraced my steps, returning to each window to greet and thank the beauty and the beings that I’m blessed to live among. I chuckled, recalling that I’d recently mentioned to a friend how much I appreciate this summer morning ritual. I shared I was happy that maintaining a comfortable temperature in the home requires my attention rather than an automatic setting. Just as building a fire in the wood stove does each winter morning; opening windows, placing fans, and adjusting them as the sun’s angle changes connects me to the season, to Nature, to Gaia, the Cosmos, and their cycles.  By choice there is no Alexa, Siri, or smart thermostat to stand between me and Mother Nature.

How much sacredness do we lose to so-called convenience – personally and collectively? I think of the lost nutritional value, degradation of our health and the planet’s well being as a result of industrialized agriculture. What if we held the earth and her capacity to produce food as sacred? What if we held food as sacred and more robustly supported those who practice regenerative agriculture, providing fresh, nutritious foods? Just as is true for our souls, nourishing food ‘cannot stabilize, gather, and grow’ at warp speed.

The sacred isn’t speedy. And speedy isn’t sacred. What sacredness have we lost in other domains of life? How can we enjoy the comforts of life without offending or abusing the Natural world? How can I? How can we/I maintain the sacredness of life and its tasks with each sacred breath we breath?

Happy Hummers!



Pivot to Compassion

Grandmother Tree in the Woods Out Back

The greatest evil and destruction arises when people are unable to feel compassion. The beauty of compassion continues to shelter and save our world. John O’Donohue

The heart is the mother and father and origin of all creatures: the one who knows the heart from the skin is blessed. Rumi

This morning as I moved toward settling in with Muse to reflect and write, I feel drawn to Beauty, a favorite John O’Donohue book of essays, and as I move to find where I left this frequent companion last, I think of Rumi. A few more steps bring me to both, stacked together, just the two of them. Settling in I wonder ‘who will have the words of wisdom to guide the unfolding this day?’ ‘What wants to be shared?’

After writing a bit more, I opened O’Donohue. Then Rumi. I opened to pages where the words went straight to this heart, stirring a recent exploration into compassion that led me to recognize places where I could replace animosity or a quick harsh judgement with compassion or its companions – kindness, grace, tenderness – along with a sprinkle or two of curiosity.

When I’m fully present, conscious, aware and take time to drop into my heart, compassion or its kin are most always my choice, even in those events where a boundary needs to be drawn or a misunderstanding needs attention. Heck, even when I think I’ve been wronged by another. I aim for the heart to rule.

Alas, I don’t always make that mark. When I’m moving too quickly through a multitude of choices, decisions, projects, concerns, the mind grabs the steering wheel of the bus of life until I come to my senses, the deeper knowing of my heart.

Life offers opportunities moment to moment to choose who is driving. Will mind take over? Will heart prevail? Will I be compassionate about and toward the contractor who is incommunicado weeks after a project was to start? Mind wants the project done. Now! Heart says, ‘what if you trusted the timing to be perfect?’. While mind blames and abuses, heart wonders if he and his family are okay? Has something happened that I’m not aware of?

What if I met every situation where I feel disappointed in this same way? How might I more fully embody the belief I wrote about a few weeks back: Everything is connected to everything else. Everything operates on behalf of everything else … (find it here)

For it is the small things, our moment-to-moment choices that loom large in how we experience our world, our personal satisfaction or lack thereof. And it’s those same things that are our contributions – for better or worse – to the future we are creating by those very choices.

Let’s choose love!

Art of the Inner Tree



Pivot from the Noise to The New

Good Morning Sunshine!

The new is here. The old is just making a lot of noise dying. Eckhart Tolle (quoted by Pam Gregory in a recent video)

A recent (Muse says, ‘long running’) theme these Pivot posts is around shifting our attention from what is being reported as ‘news’ to that which is rising and wants to rise. To that which is life generating and life enhancing. From fear mongering to love generating. I know that many of made such a shift in focus. Others are in the process. Where are you?

What do you want to be informed about?

Consider for a moment: when was the last time a news broadcast enhanced your life? Then wonder: what is possible if we focus on, attend to, and participate in what many call ‘a new earth’? Heck even giving the new equal time could represent a big shift. And, adds Muse, inspire you to pivot even more.

In two conversations this week sharing this idea I was asked ‘where do you find this new?’. So, this week as I rest and engage in extreme self-care to heal from a painful kink in my back (including excavating old beliefs, thoughts, or fears that may have contributed to that ‘kink’), I thought that I’d share a few of my favorite sources of information, inspiration, exploration, and learning. Here are three of the plethora of organizations, groups, and individuals who are on the ground doing the exploration and work of creating a new earth, a new humanity.

Humanity’s Team – a non-profit whose mission is to ‘make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040’. You’ll find their free programs at this link. I’ve cued the program from Dr. Jude Currivan, just released today, on my ‘must watch’ list.

Pam Gregory, Astrologer – I’ve long been curious about the impact of planetary cycles on us individually and collectively. Putting aside the detailed aspects that she presents; Pam puts this in the context of current events and trends as well as pointing to maintaining calm in the chaos. This recent video with little astrology shares the focus she brings to the world in the context of July 2023 astrology.

Kinship Earth/The KINS Network -- a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating humanity's consciousness to its next level of maturity: the awareness of our inherent interconnectedness with all life. A recently discovered group for me, I’m enjoying learning about this global network of heart-centered change agents. Curious? Click here.

I invite you to explore, to see what resonates with your heart, and to share with your community. And I’d love to know what sources you follow that inform and inspire you. Let’s put our attention on the world we want to see!


Hiding bunny watches Zadie Byrd and I pass by.



Nurturing the Creator Within

Create with the flow of life!

Do I want to add to the drama, or pass and not play into the drama? … We all get triggered at times. If you are not conscious of your triggers, you can quickly get pulled into a family or work drama. You may not always remember to pause and ask yourself that question, but sometimes you may. With every decision to skip the drama you have taken one more step toward choosing a more empowering response to people and situations you find challenging. David Emerald & Donna Zajonc, MCC

A few days back I felt guided to a book that I read many years ago, David Emerald’s, The Empowerment Dynamic. I didn’t follow the guidance immediately but a bit later when I opened email, there was David and his partner Donna’s inspirational newsletter, TED* Works  [https://theempowermentdynamic.com/skip-the-drama/. Apparently, I needed a reminder.

That question ‘do I want to pass or play?’ and their story offered a great, if a bit prickly, reminder that I sometimes engage in other people’s drama, usually by being critical of rather than being curious. I notice that I do this more frequently in response to seeming little things – complaints on social media about weather, mosquitoes, the choices others make. It’s a drama that plays out in my head, ‘Grrrr, don’t they know this is contributing to the chaos and negativity of our world?’. Even though it’s not spoken or shared, and it too is a reaction that contributes to that negativity and chaos.

Every thought matters!

My reaction places me, hopefully only briefly, in the role of victim. And when I’m in the role of victim I don’t have access to my power as a co-creator. I’m not aligned with the knowing of my heart, nor am I able to access peace, joy, beauty, harmony, those aspects of the Universe that I long for our world to be.

Whether the potential drama of the moment is massive or a small blip, when we pause to ask whether to ‘pass or play’ we nurture the natural co-creator within. When we pass, we create. We open the door to gratitude, to curiosity, to care, to love. We contribute to a more beautiful world that works for all.

May we know that there are no small choices and that, as I shared last week, our heart knows the Truth that Everything IS a part of Everything else. May we invite her to remind us of that truth and to guide us in our choices whether they seem large or small. May I.

P.S. – David’s book was among those that guided me through a rocky period of change in my life way back in 2006-7. Beautifully and playfully written, The Power of TED* - The Empowerment Dynamic, is his poignant story of making the pivot from victim to creator during a challenging period in his life. David’s story and this pivot is much needed as the world we know crumbles and we seek to create our world anew. TED is off the shelf now and on the bedside table as I enjoy another read.

Early Mountain Morning



How BIG Are the Little Things?

Everything is a part of Everything else

Everything operates on behalf of everything else

Everything is interactive, interrelated, and interdependent/symbiotic, and with you

You are part of everything and everything is part of you

You operate on behalf of everything else, and everything operates on behalf of you (Myra Jackson)


Sorting through some papers this past weekend I came across a slide from sometime in 2020 or ’21, the Covid years. It seemed a good reminder on many levels and across all domains so I placed it where I would likely see it every morning.

This morning I needed it to remind me of how I understand our world, indeed the cosmos, to be. I also needed to remember that even though this is how the universe, our planet, and each of us IS, our awareness of our true nature is not automatic. Practice is required to fully embody the truth of who we are.

 I don’t know about you, but I need lots of practice. Of this I was reminded when Zadie Byrd and I popped outside as the day began to dawn. When she finished her ‘business’ I noticed plants with a thirst needing to be quenched.

Turning my attention to responding to that need and my desire to care for them in gratitude for reaping the beauty they contribute to my life; I discovered a hose had been moved and left disconnected by a wonderful helper who washed windows yesterday. Putting the system back together would require a bit more work than simply connecting the hose. ‘Annoyed’ is the gentlest term available to describe my instant reaction.      

But fairly quickly as I huffed and puffed, I realized that this wasn’t how I wanted to begin my day or experience the quiet, peaceful dawn. I wanted to align myself with the beauty that surrounds me, to remember that I am a part of that, and to be in alignment with Her. My huffy, puffy reaction wasn’t coherent with who I am, what I believe, or what I know to be true about life. I wanted to step into this day with full coherence, present to and grateful for my life, for ALL life.

 I paused, asking my heart to lead and my pulse to align with the pulse of Gaia, of the cosmos. Calmer, I reset the watering system and went inside to reflect. The quote above came to mind. I thought about how everything matters, even (perhaps especially) the so-called ‘little’ things.

 These little things grab our attention and sometimes evoke in us out of proportion reactions. They are potent with opportunities. Opportunities to be grateful. Opportunities to express care and love. Opportunities to make refinements, to learn, to grow. Opportunities to BE who we truly are.

These little things impact us personally, contributing to OR working against our health, our happiness, our overall well-being. Whether they are moments of gratitude and bliss or forays into drama, they impact us individually and collectively. They become part of the collective consciousness that is creating our world and how we experience that world moment to moment, day to day. We are responsible for choosing. And every choice matters.

Our heart knows the Truth that Everything IS a part of Everything else. May we invite her to remind us of that truth and to guide us in our choices whether they seem large or small. May I.



Blessed Solstice!

Solstice Sun Rises Over the Sangres

We are cradled in the arms of an ever-changing planet. Remembering this helps us understand why it is so important to shift the behaviors of our imperiled species and protect the only planet we call home. … When we step into the vast dance of Earth around Sun, and Moon around Earth, we attune to a profound sense of place that is a remedy for digital overload, overcommitment, frenetic busy-ness, and on-demand culture. Seasons belie the myth of same-ness. Cycles upend our attachment to false stability. Everything is changing. And it will keep on changing. Rivera Sun (newsletter 21 June 2023 – www.riverasun.com)

Blessed Solstice! Today is the Sun’s turning. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, the shortest night. Our long days have reached their peak and will begin to gradually shorten as our night times grow longer.

Out early this morning, before the Sun rose over the Sangres I walked the labyrinth, doing my own form of ritual – gratitude and blessings to the four directions, to Mother Earth, to the sky and all above; then finishing as the Sun crested the peaks bringing her light to the treetops. On our morning walk Zadie Byrd and I encountered numerous rabbits moving about.

Later, I sauntered for an hour or so in the woods, attention focused on new growth bursting forth in the pines and on the active avian life – hummingbirds, jays, robin. A mountain blue bird and a chickadee with nests and baby chirps nearby greeted me.

Reflecting on the preciousness of this new life, I was present to its precariousness, having made the sad discovery of a fallen nest and broken eggs yesterday afternoon. A western wood peewee built her nest in a corner of our front deck as she has done for many years. I’ve watched her on the nest for several days as I’ve come and gone from the house, and I was looking forward to witnessing her ritual of hatching, feeding, the fledging her young soon. I’m curious whether she will make another attempt. Or return next year.

This Solstice Day, I feel deeply connected to and blessed by the life in these woods, the seen and the unseen, the winged and four-legged, the pines, the grasses, the cacti, the lichen, the rock beings, and even the pesky mosquitos and gnats that have arrived in their season. The connection gives me pause.

I wonder how I/we can live in greater harmony this life, with the whole of life. What new stories can we live into to become stewards of a New Earth? What new choices and ways of being will have us be ‘ancestors of a thriving planet and planetary civilization’? What can we dream into being that is out of this world and will carry us into the next? What future do you dare to dream?

As my friend, author and activist Rivera Sun, suggests in her newsletter today, connecting with planetary cycles reminds us of our place and offers respite from the chaos in our world. Connect with the Sun’s energy this day. Know that its energy and its light are fuel for all of life. Dare to dream!

Blessed Solstice! Blessed Life!

Colorado’s Summer Bloom - The Columbine



From Prison to Possibility

In the flow of life …

You need to remain open, yet maintain discernment and critical vigilance. Critical openness is true hospitality and receptivity. … Freedom challenges us to awaken and realize all the possibilities that sleep in the clay of our hearts. … In the inner landscape of the soul there is a nourishing and melodious voice of freedom always calling you. It encourages you to enlarge your frames of belonging – not to settle for a false shelter that does not serve your potential. There is no cage for the soul. John O’Donohue (from various essays in Eternal Echoes: Exploring Our Hunger to Belong)

O’Donohue’s words resonate deeply with an inquiry that emerged as I journaled early one morning recently. “Am I a critical thinker? Or just critical?”, I wondered. What does it mean to be a critical thinker? What is critical thinking’s role in discernment? And what about the heart?

The questions weren’t unfamiliar, but they rose in the wake of watching a controversial (some would say conspiracy theory) documentary that opened a familiar question: how do we know what is accurate and true? What stories in me may block my capacity for ‘critical openness’? How often do I engage in critical thinking? How often do I follow those with whom I tend to agree, without much consideration? What stories are so embedded in me that my automatic pilot kicks in with little if any awareness on my part?

I remembered an experience that brought this home to me decades ago while attending a Spiral Dynamics workshop. During a break the workshop leader casually inquired and determined that I was an alumnus of a particular university with deep and long traditions. As we settled in after the break to explore the impact of unconscious memes on our behavior and choices, the fight song of that university began to play. With nary a thought and zero awareness, I jumped up, began to sing loudly and move enthusiastically as I’d done many years before at football games.

Point made! That day we all learned anew that deep, unconscious memes, stories, and beliefs are with us 24/7 standing ready to blast forth when they hear the call. Whether we want them to or not.

As my inquiry continued, I wondered what other life experiences have a hold on me unknowingly and, thus, could be holding me hostage. What role do they play when I jump to being critical rather than thinking critically?

I recalled stories and beliefs that kept me in the ‘false shelter’ of a marriage until an event broke their hold and I chose to leave. I remembered a friend challenging my stories about all the reasons I could not purchase a house. Although years apart, my choice to end the marriage and my friend’s challenge awakened possibilities beyond any dream I’d ever allowed myself to have: living joyfully and gratefully in the paradise of a woodland sanctuary and being guided in how to honor this sacred dot on the planet.

Remembering those personal events of breaking free sparks a deeper inquiry. I wonder what memories, stories and beliefs live in me that block possibility, or that stifle any critical thinking about how to navigate today’s chaotic world? A world, I should add, that I hold less and less interest in and that seems increasingly irrelevant to what life truly is. Yet a world whose systems hold us hostage. Muse nods in agreement and prompts that this is a story for another day … from Prison to Possibility, Part 2, perhaps.

Returning to my inquiry, two experiences come to mind. During my early school years when our country was gripped in the fear of nuclear attack, we were instructed to ‘duck and cover’ under our little desks. This would keep us safe, it seemed we were to believe. Perhaps much like the lockdown drills in schools today. What of this experience still lives in me and impacts my views of the world? What are today’s experiences imbedding into our precious kiddos?

Later, in my junior high and high school years, the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King were periodic reminders of the danger of speaking up and speaking out. What might I/we hold deep within about the risk of taking a stand, speaking our truth?

How deeply and unknowingly do these and other events and experiences influence my choices? Our choices? Do I/we allow them to imprison us, or do we use them to open doors of possibility? In a world that so often would have us follow its ways, how do I maintain the ‘discernment and critical vigilance’ necessary to live as the sovereign being that I am?

The inquiry continues …

A Colorado Blue Sky Morning!



Pivot to Gentle, Curious, Adventurous Perception

The Flow in Nature Reflects the Flow of Life

The way you look at things is the most powerful force in shaping your life. In a vital sense, perception is reality. … There is such an intimate connection between the way we look at things and what we actually discover. If you can learn to look at your self and your life in a gentle, creative and adventurous way, you will be eternally surprised at what you find. John O’Donohue (Thoughts Are Our Inner Senses in Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World)

Life has a way of presenting us with opportunities when we are open to receiving. I aim each day to live in that openness and curiosity. Waking this morning with fresh awareness of two seemingly unrelated dream fragments, I wondered how they might relate to each other and what messages the dreams offered.

On top of them, Mind recalled a choice that I’d taken with me to sleep: which of two events scheduled at the same time should I attend? Then Mind leapt to analyzing, comparing the two, apparently seeking a rational decision to put the question to rest now even though the events are a few days away.

Feeling tense and pressured (self-imposed to be sure), I paused. That wasn’t how I wanted to make the choice. In the pause, a gentle suggestion rose, “Ask for guidance.” Ahh … I relaxed, pivoting to a more curious, gentle perception of the question. Hmm … What is my intention for joining either event? What guidance am I seeking?

Muse reminded me that ‘back to basics’ is always a good place to start. As I sat quietly, clarity began to emerge. I began to wonder, “What is in my highest good and the highest good of all? Which event will best serve my growth and provide opportunities for expressing my values, for building community, and for more closely aligning my life with Gaia?

The questions as context further eased my angst and the self-imposed pressure to decide now. They give me clarity for the guidance I’m seeking and opened me to receive that guidance. They offered a gentle path to making the choice and offered an opportunity to be creative in doing so.

I realized that I could let go of ‘missing out’ on something and open to the gifts I’m sure to receive whichever event I choose to attend. That’s the beauty of our thoughts; of allowing them to emerge, to develop, to shift; and to being gentle with self and all that creation presents.

The process unfolded in a short time, but the reminder of the importance of thoughts, awareness, and perspective will stay with me far beyond the making of this choice. May I be continually surprised by where my thoughts lead and the adventures they offer up.

Morning Clouds



Breaking Out of Habits

Dawn in the Sacred Sangres

The mystery and magic of being an individual is to live life in response to the deep call within, the call to become who we were dreamed to be. … Freedom … is the poise of soul at one with a life which honours and engages its creative possibility. John O’Donohue (Beauty: The Invisible Embrace)

Sitting out on the deck as the day began to dawn and walking before the sun rose over the sacred peaks of the Sangres, I broke free of the habitual winter routine this day. It’s transition time here. Pots of geraniums that spent their winter indoors called to move to their summer homes outdoors. Flannel sheets and blankets give way to cooler crisp organic cotton.

I feel deeply the creative possibility in small things: hands in the dirt, listening to birdsong call the day into being, care of Zadie Byrd, care of self, care of and reverence for this place. Listening for and imagining new stories for how life – mine and ours – can unfold. Allowing life to define itself and its facets rather than fitting life into an old story heard throughout my life as the way things are and the way things should be.

John O’Donohue’s words remind me of the beauty of being in the question, the mystery. Listening for  calls from within. Noticing what has my attention, what resonates, what doesn’t. Breaking habits of knowing and needing to know to allow wonder about how the mystery will unfold. Breaking habits of judgement to allow curiosity to discover a possibility for reverence and care.

After a long day with my hands in the dirt, I settled in last evening for a second listening to a recent Charles Eisenstein talk, Staying Sane in the Next Five Years [click here to watch]. I appreciate his thinking, his way of being, his kindred contrarian spirit, especially in this time when, for me, old stories are giving way, dissolving. New stories are on the rise.

The old stories based on half-truths and lies have become so dissonate in me/for me that I can barely follow them. Eisenstein calls this a time between stories. What we need in times of such transition is rest, care, attention to the call within, to what wants to rise, to mystery. We need time to grieve what seems lost so that we can hear clearly what wants to rise and what our part in that rising is. We need to break habits that tie us to the old. We need to let go. We need to call on grace.

And when we do, what new stories can rise? I envision new stories based on ancient truths of who we are, who we BE as humans in the web of life on this precious planet, a mere dot in the vast cosmos. Stories weaving new threads in existing webs of natural connection. Stories that hold reverence for ALL life. Stories that receive life. Stories that give.

Such stories are by no means a given. Old stories of control over and separation are trying to maintain our attention and will cleverly continue to endeavor to hold us in their grasp. A new coat of paint on an old story is not a new story, despite its fresh look.

So, this time between stories offers choices to each of us, individually and collectively. What habits must be laid to rest so that authentic new stories, new ways will rise? What stories will rise in us? What timelines will we follow? The answer my friends is in embracing the mystery of life unfolding! Are you in?

Dawn Over the San Luis Valley
