Snowy Mountain Morning
It is like a voyage of discovery into unknown lands, seeking not for new territory but for new knowledge. It should appeal to those with a good sense of adventure. Fredrick Sanger (English Scientist)
Words are slow to organize themselves this first ‘blog day’ of 2023. Yesterday I said to a friend that I feel myself in some new ground that invites exploration, some inner terrain presenting itself, not yet clearly, rather shrouded like the mountain peaks here in the sacred Sangres. A few days earlier another long-time friend voiced something similar and laughing said ‘where’s the instruction manual for this?’
Her humor evoked a quick, simultaneous response, a duet from the two of us ‘there is no manual; YOU/we are writing it.’ I’m certain Muse chuckled and recognized the fodder for this and future Pivots.
I’m blessed that from the cozy comfort of home, I can voyage into unknown lands, uncharted inner territory dependent not on an instruction manual but on trusting my own internal GPS as signposts present themselves for discovery. While I feel quite at home here in this place I love, I wonder how I will embrace this new territory. What will I need to unpack, to resolve, to discover in order to make this new territory ‘home’?
So far each of the 7 Days of Rest and Return to Essence have offered up much to reflect upon, starting with day 1 and its theme, Presence. What is the Essence of Presence? And the Presence of Essence?
As I sink into exploring Essence, I discover it as a felt sense beyond any words – lofty or otherwise – to describe. In this new territory, it seems that logic is invited to sit quietly on the bench rather than actively playing on the field. Perhaps that is what makes way for Essence to emerge and inspires me to explore.
Each day’s offering of reflective questions (offered by 7 Days creator Shelly Ostroff) are nourishing not only exploration of this new territory, but its future development.
Day 2 Resonance -- What would it look like in your life to make choices that resonate with the core of your being and the wellbeing of the all? What are the stories, the noise, habits and the distractions that need to be to shed for this to happen? What practices and behaviors want to be amplified? What wants to be transformed, and what potential pathways reveal themselves as you slow down, simplify and attune to the language of essence?
These questions resonate deep within, not as new, but expanding territory where the surface has been scratched. An invitation to deepen.
Day 3 Radiance -- Invite in the consciousness of radiance to be present with you. What are the images and sensations that arise? Imagine yourself embodying the essence of radiance in the moment - how does radiance feel, how does radiance move?
I find myself tiptoeing into these questions, looking out to find radiance more than looking within. Muse takes note, and nudges that perhaps some excavation may be required to develop acceptance of my radiance in this territory.
Day 4 Gratitude is a personal favorite and territory that seems very familiar having developed practices of gratitude for many years. I’m grateful for recognizing that I’m in new territory and curious to discover how gratitude will guide the way. Among several beautiful reflection questions, Ostroff offers this: How do you experience the relationship of generosity and gratitude and how does this relationship manifest in your life? How does expressing and receiving gratitude cultivate loving sacred relationship?
Collectively and individually, we are in new territory, indeed many new territories in a plethora of domains. I’m discovering signposts resonant with my internal GPS along with some that challenge me to adjust course as I navigate to feel at home in new territory.
May we each find the signposts we need within and without to navigate and be at home in the new. Perhaps this lively, poignant tune, shared by a fellow explorer in her own new territory, will lighten your spirit for the journey ahead (Phillip Phillips Home).
Nature’s Patterns