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Revealing Habits

It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

As we value experiences above things, we get more conscious and more open to more profound and more complex experiences. Nisha J. Manek, M.D. (Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine)

Now is the time to take the corrective measures to break out of old habit patterns. Gregge Tiffen (Open Secrets: Revealing Habits – February, 2011)

An experience this week and the awareness that it presented reminded me of just how much our habits are like the water a fish swims in. Like that water, many – perhaps most – of our habits are transparent to us, operating as our navigation system through daily life. Generated over lifetimes of experiences, our habits are hidden drivers on this sojourn.

Without awareness, habits rule. With awareness, we create choice.

Sadly, in our culture today we’ve adopted habits that are anchored in fear. As I discovered for myself this week, we probably don’t need to look beyond our front door, to identify habits generated from fear. Collectively beyond our door, fear drives chaos and divisiveness in the world. Perhaps it’s time to assess our habits, at least some of them. Perhaps it’s time to anchor them in qualities of the Universe, like love, peace, light rather than in the fear that has us seek to control that which is uncontrollable.

This muse emerged from a conversation last week, in which, a friend shared an experience she had while having her vision checked. When she was choosing the ‘better’ of two choices, she realized that while one choice offered clearer vision, the other choice ‘felt’ better. Hmmm…

I loved the awareness that she brought to the ‘exam’ (the doc was blown away too!). As I reflected on her ‘how does it feel’ distinction, I realized that a part of my current self-care/health maintenance simply didn’t feel right. Taking my extensive array of vitamins and supplements, all of which make perfect rational sense given my age, etc. etc., no longer felt good to me. And, it hadn’t for some time.

Upon reflection, I saw that this aspect of self-care had become an unconscious habit of gulping down pills with little awareness, other than perhaps a touch of annoyance that I ‘had to’ take so many. Ouch!

I’d lost the clarity of my intention – to maintain excellent health and vibrant energy. I didn’t prepare/organize or swallow with any intention in my awareness other than to ‘get it done’. Rather, I gulped them down hoping that I won’t become ill. I was acting in a habitual pattern of fear without awareness. Little wonder that taking them didn’t feel right or good!

And so, I stopped. No vitamins. No supplements other than nourishing Chinese herb formulas that have ‘felt’ right since I started using them several years ago and infoceuticals to support my biofield. I’m giving my body a rest. Feeding it clean, nourishing food. Being clear and intentional about and grateful for EVERYthing that crosses my lips. Then, in time, with strong intention grounded in love not fear, and using the intelligence of my body’s wisdom as a guide, I’ll re-evaluate and give this body what it seems to need.

In the meantime, I’m curious to look more deeply at my habits – habits of action (and inaction), habits of thought – to examine how they ‘feel’. Are they ‘right’ for me in each moment? Are they anchored in love, peace, light, power (not force or control), beauty, harmony, abundance? Or are they habits of fear to give the illusion of keeping a dangerous world at bay? Stay tuned. More habits may be revealed. Better yet, take some time to notice and be at choice about your own. 

A Colorado Blue Sky Day!



The Wisdom of Dog

Looking to the great beyond …

We humans should never forget our capacity to connect with the collective spirit of animals. Their energy is essential for our future growth. Shirley MacLaine (Dancing in the Light)

I think it’s no accident that the letters of God, when reversed spell Dog. Or, is that the letters of Dog, spell God? I’ve come understand and be grateful for them both as teachers. Perhaps Dog and God are one and the same.

Over these past six months since the amazing Cool Hand Luke Skywalker left his body to continue his journey in the spirit world, I’ve been inspired to explore the canine world and our human relationship to it more deeply. I’m curious about how we humans can be better partners with our canine friends. What do they teach us? How can we better learn? What are their needs? What brings them joy and satisfaction?

Inspired by the partnership that CHLS and I grew over almost 10 years, I wanted to know how I might be a better human partner when a new dog came into my life.

Along the path I’ve read books and watched videos by trainers, animal behaviorists, animal communicators and more. I participated in two amazing animal communication workshops. I learned a bit about the world of service dogs and how they are trained.

I stumbled across a book written by visionary thinker and human potential teacher, Jean Houston. In Mystical Dogs: Animals as Guides to Our Inner Life, Houston chronicles the lessons brought to her by a parade of dogs in her household over decades. I’ve explored the vast diversity in approaches to training – from (ugh!) old school obedience (‘I am the boss of you’) to the positive reinforcement approach in favor by many today. I’m no dog, but I’ll take treats over punishment any day and be much better for it.

Sitting quietly or on solo walks in the woods I often deeply feel Luke’s presence. When I’m open and curious I sense his energetic presence and guidance. He still comes when I call.  And, he appreciates when I speak of him in the present not the past. He knows that life is a continuum that does not end, but merely changes form or is sometimes formless. He’s free of the constraints of the body and tells me “I’m much more powerful here.”

I’m coming to appreciate how deeply intertwined our human potential is with that of our animal companions. Unlocking that potential requires a shift in our mindset from animals as mere pets or companions, to embracing them as wise partners on the journey of life.  I’m beyond blessed that having Luke in my life opened the door to this potential and that he continues to partner with me as the journey continues. 

And, I’m grateful that my heart was cracked open a couple weeks back when I met Sadie at a nearby animal shelter. We’re a pack of three, two of us in body, and Luke in spirit, learning, loving, and growing together.

My heart says that our animals need us for more than the care, feeding and shelter we provide. My heart says their wisdom can guide and support us in these chaotic, challenging, changing times. My heart wonders how I will rise to the potential of tapping into that wisdom. What about your heart?

Dear Human — I’m here to teach you to play!