The Elk - Camerashy, unlike their deer cousins.
We speak a lot about information. What is information, really? It is that which comes in and forms us. Charles Eisenstein
These words stopped me, landing deep within as I read Charles Eisenstein’s recent essay, Wanna Join Me in a News Fast? several days ago. They’ve been with me, beckoning some call from within, the Muse taking note and applauding each time I hit the delete key rather than opening one of the news sources that I frequently scan.
I can’t say for how long I’ll join in fasting from news, but doing so feels like an act of empowerment, of more consciously choosing where to put my attention and focus. What constitutes ‘news’ anyway?
Much so-called ‘information’ seems designed to keep me ‘IN formation’ with what the culture bids, steeped in worry and fear about a cornucopia of concerns. Eisenstein’s suggestion that information is that which comes in and forms us evoked the reminder that ‘that which comes in’ is that which I allow in. I choose. And with that reminder, an awareness to look anew at what I allow to come in, what I invite to form me.
How will my choices shift when I take on the perspective that every click to open an email or follow a link (or open a magazine, a book, a piece of mail or watch a movie or documentary, listen to music, etc.) is an invitation to participate in forming me? The Muse challenges me to examine my choices about what and who is on my ‘invitation list’. ‘Just how selective are you,’ Muse prods, ‘in what you invite in?’ Of course, I like to think that I’m very conscious and selective about such things.
But am I really? How many of my ‘invites’ truly contribute to the wellbeing of my body, my mind, my spirit? To shifting so that I live in greater harmony with my values and with Mother Earth? To my happiness and joy?
Perhaps it’s a good time to go beyond ‘delete this email’ to click the ‘unsubscribe’ button on some sources.
Do my choices invite sources that inspire and provide intelligence for creating a new story for humankind and the planet or evoke deep introspection from which new insights can emerge? Are they aligned with my purpose – planting and nurturing seeds of change?
Or do I all too often simply feed an addiction to be ‘informed’ so that I seem intelligent to myself and others? Or as entertainment?
How much and what kind of information do I really need? Who will I invite to ‘inform’ me on this journey called ‘Life’?
As I write these last words Raven lands in a pine just outside my window, its ‘caw’ a reminder that Nature has much to offer IN forming me when I invite and listen. Likewise Raven offers confirmation that there is magic to be discovered in looking anew at what I choose to form me. I’m reminded of a small elk herd that wandered through the woods a few days ago and of the buck who brought his extended family to the labyrinth after last week’s post. How does the natural environment form and inform me?
Family Member on Her Way to the Labyrinth